Puppet Boy

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(Dakota is the boy and Finley is the girl😂)

Finley: Hey, babe!

Dakota: Hey! Wassup??

Finley: Not much. Bored.

Dakota: Same here. What are you up to tonight??

Finley: Actually, nothing at all. My mom doesn't feel good so she's taking a nap, and my dads at work.

Dakota: Ew. That does sound really boring.

Finley: Yeah😕

Dakota: I hope your mom feels better soon!

Finley: Thanks! That really means a lot.

Dakota: Well, she might become my mother in law someday. Gotta make a good first impression😂

Finley: You really feel that way?

Dakota: Of course😉

Finley: Awwwww!😍

Dakota: So,... I take it you're free tonight?

Finley: Yep!

Dakota: Would your mom let us hang out?

Finley: Of course! She loves you!

Dakota: Really?

Finley: Yeah!

Dakota: I'm so glad!

Finley: So where do you want to meet up?

Dakota: How about the theater??

Finley: Sure!

Dakota: 8:00??

Finley: Sounds perfect!


Finley: I can't wait!


Finley: Dakota? You there??

Dakota: Yeah! What's up?

Finley: Ok. I was worried there for a bit.


Finley: I'm here!

Dakota: Pulling up in the drive way now!

(This now starts the time period where they are no longer texting, but at the theater talking to one another.)

Finley: Hey, Dakota!

Dakota: Hey! I'm so glad you could make it.

Finley: Me too! I never asked. How are things with you??

Dakota: I'm good. Just a lot of stress between Calculus, Theater, and AP Chemistry.

Finley: Yeah, that sounds really stressful.

Dakota: Yeah, it is. (Chuckle)

Finley: (Chuckle) So, do you rehearse your plays here??

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