The Voodoo City

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A brother and sister wake up from an unconscious rest and find themselves in an unfamiliar dark ally. This is not over text this is them actually talking.

Rain: Dustin! Wake up!

Dustin: Wow. What's going on. I can't remember anything.

Rain: I can't either. All I know is that we were at a party and then I got dizzy and now we're here. My head hurts also.

Dustin: Yeah, mine does too. Where are we?

Rain: I wish I could tell you. I don't even recognize this place.

Dustin: Me neither. I don't think we're in Washington anymore.

Rain: It kinda looks like an ally I saw in a horror book. The ally was in Florida. Called the Voodoo City.

Dustin: You're going to think I'm stupid, but what is a Voodoo City?

Rain: Voodoo is like a dark evil magic. I don't know why they call an ally in Florida this but it does look like it could have some pretty dark magic.

Dustin: Rain I'm not liking this. You're starting to freak me out.

Rain: We need to find out a way to get out of here.

Figure: I don't know about all of that.

Dustin: What are you creep?

Figure: That won't be said. It's none of your business.

Rain: Oh gosh. Are you the one who brought us here.

Figure: Maybe, maybe not.

Dustin: Is this the so called Voodoo City?

Figure: Yes. You have a pretty smart sidekick, Dustin, don't you??

Rain: I'm not his sidekick. We are both equally as important.

Dustin: Really? That's what you're worried about right now?

Rain: Well no I'm just saying...

Figure: Enough if this nonsense. I'm trying to decide wether I'm going to kill you or not.

Dustin: I would recommend not killing us,... but you know, it's totally up to you.

Rain: Oh my gosh Dustin just shut up!

Figure: Oh. You're smart, pretty, and you have an attitude. You have everything going for you. Good grades, and a boyfriend too.

Rain: How did you know that?

The figure disappears and reappears behind Rain and Dustin.

Figure: Because I'm everywhere. 

Rain: Do you know everything about me?

Figure: Not just you. Everyone. Even you, Dustin. You have no girlfriend, but you are crushing on Lilly.

Dustin: Rain didn't need to know that.

Rain: Lilly? She's my best friend!

Figure: Is no one worried about wether I'm going to kill you or not, because I'm thinking not.

Dustin: Well, yet again I hope you don't. That would be lovely.

Figure: I'll keep Rain, but you have to go Dustin. Since you're Rain's brother though, I'll even send you home, and erase everyone's memories of Rain. They won't even know she's gone.

Rain: Fine. Go, Dustin.

Dustin: Ok. Goodbye Rain. I love you.

Rain: I love you too. Never forget me in your heart.

Dustin: How could I?  You are the best sister ever. I'll miss you.

Figure: Yeah, yeah. Cut the chit chat. Everyone loves one another and that crap. Bye Dustin.

At that point, Dustin was relocated to another ally with someone else, and it turns out that it was all a lie. Dustin and Rain both ended up getting beaten to death. Everyone's memory of them WAS erased though.

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