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Mom: Hey Kip! How is the play date?

Kip: Stop calling it a play date. Call it the hangout session.

Mom: Fine. How's the big boy play date?

Kip: Oh my gosh mom. Ur so weird. It's good I guess. I'm tired and feel like Jonathan's going to prank me if I fall asleep though.

Mom: Better stay up!

Kip: Yeah.

Mom: Ok well text me if you boys need anything.

1 hour later

Kip: Mom?

Mom: Yes, honey?

Kip: there's something weird outside. Like a really Loud car noise. Jonathan is inside next to me and he can hear it too...

Mom: I'll be right over. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, but just to be sure, go hide if the closet.

Kip: Way ahead of you. We're in the bathroom with knifes...

Mom: did you boys watch a scary movie again? I told you not to do that anymore.

Kip: I'm sorry it was just so tempting...

Mom: oh my gosh Kip you're in so much trouble.

Kip: I know I'm sorry.

Mom: Let's not discuss this right now. Do you hear anything else?

Kip: Just the same noise. Like a loud muscle car.

Mom: That's really weird. Do Johnathans parents drive a muscle car? Are they trying to scare you guys? They would do anything to crack a smile from you guys.

Kip: No. Johnathan says that they don't know anyone with a muscle car.

Mom: I'm pulling up now. I hear the noise but I don't see anything.

Kip: Mom call the cops.

Mom: Why? What's going on?

Kip: Someone is whispering our names. It sounds like their right behind us.

Mom: Dont let it get to you. The cops will be here in about 13 minuets. I know it's precise but that's what they said🤷‍♀️

Kip: Ok. Where are you now?

Mom: I'm in the kitchen. Are you all in the basement?

Kip: Yeah.

Mom: Turn off your phone light. It might see you.

Mom: Kip?

Mom: KIP?


Kip: Hello. How are you doing today?

Mom: Who are you?

Kip: Mother, it's Kip. Your beloved son.


Kip: Kill. Kill. Kill.

Mom: Stop!

Kip: Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

Mom: STOP!

Kip: You're next.

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