The Assassin's Story

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This is a story about The Assassin. His name,... well no one knows. He was never caught. Everyone calls him Daniel because when you're talking about him, you don't want to just keep saying The Assassin. But I capitalize the 'T' in the because he was the worst assassin in the state of Kentucky. Daniel was crazy. Even though they could not identify him, we all know that he is a male. They know this because Skye saw him. When she was  describing him to 911, she got to male, and he brain washed her. I know Skye. She was my night school best friend. I knew her better before Daniel brain washed her. Now it's like she's under a spell. All demonic sounding and says the most demonic phrases such as "He's coming for us all. You just have to wait for him." Now, back to Daniel. He was also my best friend. I knew him in high school and we were a thing. I'm not telling anyone this besides the people reading. He updates me about everything he does. Before you tap out, I'm not in on it. I have a plan to slowly ease this down. I have to say though, the people he kills don't deserve it, but their not very good people. It's honestly for the better. They would've done worse things. He kills them. Fast and easy. They torture people. TORTURE. I mean stabbing until you just bleed out, stretching people until they snap in half, and beating people to death. Let me start from the beginning. I'm higher school, me and him were the weird teenagers. Dealing with bullies, and we were all each other had. He always said that he hated bullies. I did too, but he REALLY meant it, obviously. He dropped out the second year of college. I wanted to be a doctor, so that wasn't an option for me. I thought he was going to commit suicide. That's not something to play around with. I was freaking out, and he told me not to worry about it. That it would never happen. I got a sudden text a year after he dropped out. He said that he was sorry, but he had to. I was so confused that I wasn't myself for a week. He killed someone. The person that he killed had tortured one of my former classmates to death. This kept happening for about 2 years. I keep saying "Come home" and I'm starting to get his attention, but it's not working yet. Some see him as a bad guy, some see him as a good guy. Bad guys for killing people, but a good guy for killing really bad people. What is he least proud about? Well that's easy. He killed 28 year old single mom. Her daughter is now in the orphanage home. I've thought about adopting her, but then I realize that I am only 25, still in college, and single. His story isn't really exiting, but think about what he has done. There are many people like this around the world. That's so scary to think about. It's not cool. If you need help, talk to someone. I hope you listen and learn from Daniel's story.

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