Chapter 2

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"So does everybody understand the plan?" Oliver asked the group when they were all sitting in the private plane on route to Smallville.

"Absolutely," Felicity responded, "While you, Astrid, Caitlin and Diggle chat with Mr Luthor, Cisco and I will stay here and hack into the systems. Our good friend, Barry will have his own tour of Luthor Corp... Which should take him roughly ten minutes 'tops' by these blueprints." She was referring to what was on her laptop screen.

Astrid noticed an uneasy look that had come over Caitlin's face. "Caitlin, if Ronnie is there, I promise you, we will get him back! But we need you to be confident that this will work." Caitlin looked up at her friend. "Thank you, you just know how I get when it comes to acting. I'm not as good as you are when it comes to it..." Astrid wasn't sure whether to take it as a compliment or not. She looked down at the bracelet on her wrist.

"That's pretty, Astrid. Is it new?" Caitlin asked her. Astrid looked over at Cisco, but then diverted her attention to Barry. "Are you ok to do this, Barry? This could be dangerous for you. Luthor has been creating beings like you and I, so he would most likely have precautions in place."

"It's worth the risk, Astrid. I am not going to let you guys down." He told her.
Felicity blushed as Barry glanced in her direction.

"Barry, you are going to be great!" Oliver told him, "remember that we will all have each other's backs. With you, our two best hackers here, and a mind reader on our side, we shouldn't fail." He placed his hand on Astrid's shoulder.

Cisco shifted uncomfortably in his seat, as he saw the gesture. "Thanks for the compliment, Oliver. But I am curious. What do you add to the mix?"

"We all need to be honest here if this is going to work." Oliver started.
"Are you sure you want to tell them?" John Diggle asked him.
"You can trust them, Ollie." Astrid told them, "I trust Caitlin and Cisco with my life."
"Have you heard of Sterling City's Arrow?" Oliver asked his question to Caitlin and Cisco.

Their eyes opened wide as they realized just who Oliver Queen's alter ego was. "It makes sense..." Cisco said, under his breath. He was mentally piecing all the news articles about Sterling City's vigilante and its billionaire playboy together. "You're not serious?" Caitlin said in awe.

"Yes he is," Barry told them. "I found out the truth just before the meteor shower."
Cisco was currently torn between awe for his hero, the Arrow, and jealousy for the guy who could just swoon and steal Astrid's affections. He knew that for this mission he needed to put his emotions aside and work alongside the man. That was what he would do.

"We are just over Smallville, now." John Diggle told them, glancing out the window. "We all need to be ready for this mission, we cannot fail." They were all as ready as they could be.

The plane landed on the rooftop of LuthorCorp, where an assistant of Lionel's was there to greet them, along with a team of security guards. As Oliver, Astrid, John and Caitlin were greeted by the Luthor Corp staff, Felicity and Cisco stayed behind on the plane setting up their network. Barry used this time to slip out of the plane and begin his quick tour undetected.

"Good Morning, Miss Sutherland and Mr Queen. My name is Mrs Kent. I am Lionel's assistant. But please call me, Martha." The polite lady held out her hand to shake Astrid's. She had long brown hair and was roughly ten years older. She seemed far too polite to work for Luthor Corp. But maybe this was why she had been appointed to greet her.

Astrid shook the lady's hand, "Good morning, Martha. This is my associate Dr Caitlin Snow, she is one of our top doctors at Sutherland Labs and this is Mr Queen's associate, Mr John Diggle. Might I ask why Lionel did not show?" Oliver glanced over at Astrid. He had been wondering the same question. He shook the lady's hand nonetheless.

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