Chapter 7

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Astrid checked her phone. She was holding it in her hand to avoid it getting damaged in the water. She and Oliver had been trapped for two hours now and neither one of them could get any service to call for help. The water was at her chest level and getting deeper by the minute.

Astrid was shivering. Somehow, Oliver was able to stay calm in this predicament. She had refused his attempts to hold her and keep her warm earlier.
"W-What is keeping them? They have to had found a way to help us by now!" she stammered through chattering teeth. "We have to get out of here..."

"We will, Star. Don't worry." Oliver put his arm around her shoulders so she rested her head into him, she was feeling defeated. "I hope they are okay." Astrid told him, referring to Cisco and Felicity. He nodded. Oliver was feeling at fault. Maybe if he hadn't have brought Felicity and John to Central City, they wouldn't be in this mess. But it was only a matter of time until things got out of hand here in Smallville. There were too many villains with super powers. He needed to end it.

He looked down at Astrid, still as beautiful as ever. He still loved her just as much, maybe more than he had in high school. Over the past month she had picked herself up and taken charge of her father's corporation, even though it meant rarely spending time with her friends. She was making herself inaccessible to everyone and she was pushing them away in the process. Just as he had done in the past. This would be her downfall. The two of them were alike in many ways, but she would never see it that way.

Astrid tilted her head up and looked at Oliver. She was tired of allowing herself to be unhappy. She had broken Oliver's heart in the past and now he was a different person. He was no longer the jerk that he once was. He was even trying to mend bridges with Cisco. For a moment, she forgot that her whole body was shivering, for at that moment she felt comfortable being this close to him.

They closed their eyes and allowed their faces to inch closer, allowing themselves to be swept in the moment. They both felt dizzy, as if their whole worlds were spinning for the briefest of moments. But there was no kiss.

A light shone on their faces. "Omy god! It worked!" Barry's voice excitedly announced and Oliver and Astrid both realized that, somehow they had been saved. They opened their eyes to find that they were out of that cave and that they were standing on damp rocky ground, with Barry, Caitlin and John.

"So... how did that happen?" Oliver asked Barry, who was still very excited about what he had just accomplished. Diggle's eyes were wide open. He could not believe what he had just seen Barry do.

Caitlin wrapped her coat around Astrid and rubbed her shoulders in an attempt to warm her up. "I had a theory..." she said excitedly, "It had to do with Barry's phasing ability... and it clearly worked! Barry, if he travels fast enough can actually run through walls... and in this case solid rock."

"Wow! Barry! That's amazing..." Astrid exclaimed as she hugged him.
"Yeah... Barry..." Oliver was trying to find the right words to say. His ego was slightly bruised, "Next we will be hearing that you can walk on water..." he added with sarcasm.

"He can't walk on water, can he?" Diggle asked.
"Not that I know of... yet." Caitlin started, "wait... if he runs at a velocity of..."
"Whoa... whoa whoa!" Oliver interrupted her, "Don't we have a mission at hand? Where are we? John, I assume that you have already figured out where it is we are exactly?"

Diggle who was still struggling with the concept of Barry being able to walk on water needed to mentally bring himself to the situation at hand. "Yes, the entrance is above us. That's where the light is coming from. It's a good distance high, but fortunately not as high as our descent was. Every now and then we have heard the echoes of voices speaking in a language that I am not familiar with. Judging by where we are, I would say we are in some sort of pit. That passageway over there behind us goes on for I don't know how long. But there are a few decomposing bodies that has me hoping that nothing lives down here. It's quite possible."

By the expressions on Caitlin and Barry's faces, this news was new to them. "So what you're suggesting is that while we were trying to determine how to free Astrid and Oliver, we may have been prey to something else." Caitlin suggested.

"That is exactly what I am saying." Diggle told them.

"That is pretty grim." Barry responded. Caitlin groaned with paranoia.

"Regardless," Astrid chimed in. "We need to stick together. That way up there could be our way out of here. Or it could be a trap. It could lead us right out of the frying pan and into the fire. We don't know who we are up against and we really do not want to risk getting separated again. But we don't know where that other passage will lead us... I would suggest that it will only lead us deeper underground and quite frankly I am over being underground."

"I agree with Astrid," Barry said. "At least if we go up that way, we stand a chance fighting in the light, then we do in the dark. And yes, we need to stick together."

Oliver shot an anchor towards the entrance above them as high as it would go. "I'm good and ready to get out of here... whose first?"

Robert Sutherland had done his best to explain his side of the story to Cisco and Felicity. Cisco had always been like a son to Robert and was having a hard time trying to believe everything that he had just heard.
"Hey! There is some sort of computer over here." Felicity broke in, changing the subject, from across the room. "We might be able to send a message to their phones to get us out of here."

The three of them made their way to the computer and Felicity powered it up. It did not look like any normal computer, but it had a screen and a keypad just the same. Although the language on the keypad was very foreign to their own.

"For the past few months I have been studying their ways, I may be able to translate some of their language." Dr Sutherland told them.
"Now, that's the Robert that I remember," Cisco said, trying to convince himself.

The screen was black and all of a sudden a series of green encryptions came up. Robert was transfixed on the screen trying to study the language. "There's a firewall. It won't let you break out of this network. You will need to knock it down to contact anyone."

"Psht... I was knocking down firewalls when I first learnt how to use a computer." Felicity said confidently. "You just keep translating that jibberish for me, and I'll do my job. I just can't get over the fact that I am working with Dr Robert Sutherland."

Cisco watched as Felicity and Robert worked together to shut down the firewall. They were able to confirm their precise location and send out a message to the others. "There..." Felicity sighed a sense of relief. "They should have our exact coordinates."

"If we can send them a message, we should be able to hack into their phones and find out where they are right now..." Cisco told them.

All of a sudden, the door to the room that they were in, slammed open, startling them all. There were two beings standing before them. But they were not human. They were large reptilian looking beings, with red eyes and skin that was almost the color of the sea.

"I think this means that we have been..." Cisco blurted out, trying to lighten the mode.
"Shhh..." Felicity cut him off in absolute fear.

"Okay..." Cisco nodded and said nothing else.

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