Chapter 4

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John Diggle crept into the laboratory where Barry and the other patients were being held. He had seen the late Dr Sutherland approach Barry from the window, although he could not hear what had been said. He was relieved that he had not been seen.

He crept in to the laboratory, entirely sure that the doctor had left. "Barry, we need to find a way out of here. Was that really Dr Sutherland?"

Barry was relieved to see John Diggle. "It was his body, but something else was in control of it." Barry told him. John untied Barry's bindings from behind his back.

"We need to wake these guys up and get them to safety." Barry told John, glancing over at Martin Stein. John was reluctant. "Barry, we don't have time." But Barry had already begun freeing and waking them up. There were six patients, all were hesitant to trust Barry and Diggle until Martin convinced them otherwise.

"Do any of you know how to get out of here?" John asked them. Martin was trying to get his bearings. It had been such a long time since he had been allowed to stand. "I think I remember." He told them, "But it has been a while since I have been on my... I mean Ronnie's feet."

Barry and John were confused. Understanding their confusion, Martin elaborated, "You see I was in charge of a project which was taken over by Luthor Corp. My DNA was merged with another, a young man named Ronnie Raymond. I inhabit his body you see..."

"Ronnie Raymond?" Barry repeated, "Wow, Caitlin is going to freak!"

"She will only freak if we manage to get out of here, Barry." Diggle chimed in, "We will continue the conversation later. Let's just find the others!"

Martin led Barry, Diggle and the patients out through the same door that Dr Sutherland had used to exit the room, making their way into a cement-wall corridor, roughly twenty meters long, with a door at the other end.

As they got to the door, Martin stopped and listened to the faint voices on the other side. "We can't go out there yet." He whispered to them.

"What? Why?" Barry asked. He listened to the voices. They belonged to his friends and someone else, it must have been Lionel Luthor.

"If we are going to have any chance of getting out of here," Martin Stein started, "we need to get into that room there without being detected."

John crouched down next to the bottom of the door. "There is no light coming from the bottom of the door." He whispered to them, "meaning that there is an object on the other side of the door." He pulled his earpiece from his ear and held it between the gap under the door, clicking the button three times quickly, three times slowly and then three times quickly again.

All he needed was to receive enough signal for Cisco and Felicity to reach the transmission of his earpiece. The earpiece was inbuilt with a tracker so even if they couldn't hear his voice they could get a reading of his location. John waited a few moments and then repeated the clicking transmission. He would continue this for as long as it took.

"Felicity, What's that sound?" Cisco asked.
"What's what sound?" she asked in return.
"That clicking... listen..." they both listened, but the clicking had stopped. They waited in case they heard it again. Click-click-click... Click...Click...Click... Click-Click-Click.

"There it is again!" Cisco exclaimed, excitedly. That's got to be them.
"I think that's Diggle." Felicity said, excitedly. She flicked through the security footage and turned on the thermal imaging. "There they are!" she yelled out, startling Cisco as she pointed to the red silhouettes standing and kneeling on the other side of the secret book case entrance of Lionel Luthor's office. Inside Lionel's office, Astrid, Caitlin and Oliver were meeting with Mr Luthor himself.
"You guys! You have to get Lionel to leave his office. Dig and Barry are on the other side of the bookcase." Cisco told them.

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