25 8 1

The weeks passed like the wind, as Martin tried to cope with his job which wasn't new to him again. Most of the times he comes out sad from the office.

Everyone's thought was that he had
bad luck;no woman, no friends.
Most times, no one participated in the programs he held on the radio station, at times they will. Well He seemed to be doing a little bit fine in the Job still, since all he does was to just announce the program, and if anyone calls or send a mail, he does what he his expected to do, and leaves.

It was already the last week of the month, Martin had gone to office really happy. His sister had finally acknowledged him by saying thanks for the first time after dropping her off in her school.

He entered his office with the the greatest smile ever.


He greeted as he walked pass the workers in the office.
No one answered, they were all amazed with his current attitude.
He got to his desk and did what he does everyday, but now with a little sauce.

"Goooooooood Morning loved ones"
Stressing on the Good. Then he pursed, looked at his watch.

He continued.
"How is the day going?. We are in the last week of this special month, January. If your birthday falls on this week, or you wanna wish someone a happy birthday, just call or send a mail to us so we could help you celebrate. As we wait, we would play the song by Justin T,mirrors and some other songs also".

He relaxed, then took his burger and began to chew as he waited for whoever to participate. Well no one;happens usually. Still chewing on his burger, he picked his phone, and texted Miss. Sophia. "I'll be coming late, please keep Isa safe as usual, thanks". Then dropped his phone and kept on waiting.
He looked at his time, It was already past four.

He smiled as always. Then stopped the song.
"Well seems we have less than one hour to go, if you're still tuned to this radio station, you could please help participate".

He was about to relax him self again, when he got a notification. Then another. Soon different notifications came running in. He smiled as he clicked on them, and began to read. As he read someone called. He suspended the reading and moved on to the call.
He picked, it was a female voice.


"Yah Hello, Evening dear one. You're on the line with the Mc Star radio. So who am I on the line with?"

It's my birthday, and I would love to sing a song for my self and those who are having their birthday today."

"That great. Well go ahead, when you ready."

It took few minutes before she began to sing. At first, He thought she was playing a voice note through her phone or a recorder, until He heard her breath.
Her voice was as beautiful as the world best singers all singing together. He felt like He was falling into a endless pool of rhymes and musical notes, He couldn't understand his emotions as he listened to her voice. It wasn't a birthday song, it wasn't a love song, but the song was really heart catching. Martin sat and couldn't move, even after she was done singing.

"Hello, hummmm, are you still on the line?"

It took time before he replied.

"Yah sure. I must confess, you are really a great singer, I believe other listeners would be really happy to hear your voice. Mc star radio loves you, and we're also wishing you a real happy birthday".

"Hahaha. sorry just had to laugh"
She said shyly.
" Well am glad for the privilege given to me, and am also wishing those whose birthday are the same as mine a wonderful birthday celebration".
She said in a cheerful tone.

"Well, You could drop your email so people could reach you, and wish you a happy birthday"

"Thanks. I can't give my email, but I would be having a party by 6pm on Friday at Bedgon street Campweston. It's a home party, and there would be drinks for everyone. Have a wonderful day you all".

She went of.

"Well good day all, we about closing, hope you had a nice time, and you enjoyed the lovely lady's voice. please do so to attend her birthday party. I bet you all would enjoy it. Love you guys, it's still Martin, see you guys on the next week's program".

He went of now. Looking at his watch, He was already 30mins late from picking his sister. Luckily for him he brought his car today unlike few other days. As he turned to leave, he had an eye contact with his boss.

"Mr Bruce Thompson, how are you sir, am about leaving to pick my sister...hope there isn't any problem?"

Mr Bruce smiled. Then he rested his palm on Martin shoulder.

"Seems to me your doing well. I won't want to waste your time, your sis would probably be waiting for you by now. Have a nice day"

He said as he gradually lifted his hands off Martin shoulder.

"You to sir"
He said as he walked towards the door.

"What a boy"

*** *** ***
Martin got to the school late, Isa was already sleeping, she was all stressed out. Miss Sophia was reading a little book sitting at the front of the class. Martin tried sneaking in without his footstep been heard.

"She's been reading since, she got tired and slept"

Martin turned left to the direction of the voice.

"Hey evening, am sorry am really late, I had extra work, my boss had sent me on an errand" He lied.

"Yah I know, well she's at the extreme end go_"

"Am sorry. Please don't be angry, I know have wasted your time a lot".
He said as he walked towards her, interrupting what she was about to say. Then He held her hands.

"Thanks for everything"

"For what"
She slowly said as she stood up.

"For my sis, for being there for me, like being a g_"

"It's okay. Although I have always liked you."

"You like me"

"Yah." she looked away. "it's kinda a love thing though. But I haven't said it because of our friendship."

He smiled, standing up.
"It's getting late I'll see you tomorrow".

Then he picked his sis, put her at the back sit. Started the car.

"Hey goodnight"

"Yah", she replied, as Martin drove off.

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