The alarm rang, drawing him out from his beautiful sleep. He rolled on the soft bed to the opposite side and stretched his hand to stop the horrible noise from the alarm then dropped his arm back on bed facing the ceiling, the gold design catching his attention.

this could not possibly be my house.

He yawned as he struggled to sit upright on the bed.

"Good morning Martin." She smiled as she walked in dropping the tray on the table and took the glass of milk to him.

"Good morn_wait what!!! ". He senses bounced back as he rubbed his eyes and clearly remember he slept in her room the past night.

"What's the problem?". She asked in a worried and surprised face.

Martin stared at her from head to her toe. She wore a blue nightdress that exposed part of her bosom.
He looked back at her face.

"Morning Mary.". He said with a sigh, getting up from the bed. He took few steps to were she was and took the glass. "Thank you."

She smiles. "Your welcome. Well_" she pushed her hair back, looking away from Martin. Her face bright red."Do you remember anything that happened last night?"

"You mean?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Like how we got to my room together?"


She walked closer and placed her hands on his bare chest, stroking it. "Hmm. Never mind. I guess you took a lot last night."

He smirked "well I guess so". He held her waist. "so well, can you remind me of what went on last night?". He said, his face close to hers.

* * *


"Morning miss Sophia";she greeted raising her arms and spreading it wide in the air as she walked to the sitting room. "Miss Sophia_"

"shusss!!! you gonna wake her up. Am preparing breakfast as a surprise to her." He said with a wide smile on his face.

She looked at him, not liking him. A little frown appeared on her face as she walked closer to him.
"Hey Mister, I don't know you, and I don't know what you doing in Miss Sophia's home". She pouted angrily, her both hands on her waist.

He smiled with his eyes close. Then went to her and squatted."I guess you were asleep when I came in" Now patting her head. "Don't worry darling, am not a stranger to Miss Sophia, and soon I won't be to you."

"Hmm. Don't care. I don't like you" she said removing his hands.

"hey Isa, it's not good to talk to your elders like that". Sophia finally came out. "overheard your conversation when I was brushing. Hope there's nothing wrong?, and Isa_"

"don't worry there's nothing wrong dear. Besides she's a pretty kid." he said, his smile wide. "By the way I prepared breakfast."

"Yhaaa!!! Hope it's delicious?". Sophia said excitedly, quickly helping herself on a seat.

"What about you dearie. Want to join?." Mike asked Isa.

"nah, don't want a dish prepared by_"


"okay okay. Fine!." she said walking to the dinning. "Huffff! Such a pian" she murmured as she passed him.

Mike just smiled at her. Then went into the kitchen to get the food. Soon he was back with the food and then he served.

"Wow! You really are handy Mike". Sophia said as she picked her fork and knife and dived into the meal savouring it.

"Thanks darling" he said taking his seat. Soon they began to converse.

Isabella just stared wondering if what she was seeing was actually true; He was here last night, and slept in this house and Miss Sophia is actually cool about it, not minding the fact that she once told me she was in love with Martin. I can't imagine she would be doing this.

She drop her gaze from Sophia then sigh a little, still picking on the food. Then She raised her gaze towards Mike; And who's this man that has the weirdest smile in the world. It looks fake, he should just dump it cause it ain't nice.

She sigh again."Am okay." she said standing up.

"But you've not even tasted anything from your food".

"I said am okay. I'll go and get ready now so I could go back home. Hope you don't mind getting ready too Miss Sophia? " she said walking away not waiting for her answer.


"You heard me right".

Isa action caused a great silence for minutes. Finally Sophia recovered.

"I think have lost my appetite. Thanks Mike. I'll be taking Isa back to her home." she said getting up.

"I could drop you off"

"Nah. Don't think you can. I'll drive myself. Besides this trouble is already to much to handle. Don't want more." she said simply and walked away to her room.

Isa was done already, and was waiting for Miss Sophia in the car. She kept staring at nothing in front of her not bodering if her name was being called by Sophia or if she had already kick the car to life and it was moving already; she was more bothered with Martin feelings.

The car jerked as it climbed a speed bump, and kept on moving towards the direction of Martin house. Soon they stopped at the red-sign of the traffic light ahead of them.


"Please just take me home. Miss". She cut in.

"Ha ha" she laughed. "See it's not really what you think though, but you little, so you probably won't understand. And, please don't try to be rude towards me, i know how much i have assisted Martin in taking care of you till this stage, and i still feel like you my jurnior sis. So please try and watch the tongue little one." She concluded, looking up at the light which count down was 10, then she smiled.

"Hmm. i really still dont care" Isa mumbled looking at the window.

After few minutes drive, they got to Martins house. Isa came down from the car gently closing the door behind her, and turned to leave.

"Take good care of yourself Isa, and please do try to come to school early on Monday. Have a nice day"

"Whatever" Isa mumbled not looking back.

She picked the key from where Martin had kept it and walked into the house and stright to her room.

what would martin still be doing out by now.

She picked her from the desk and dialed his number. It rang and the reciever picked.

"I was expecting you to be back home by now, where are_"

"goodmorning, can you call back later, martin is in the middle of something. Bye"


am sorry about late updates, been really busy with lectures, and trust it hast been easy as a law student, plus my phone got bad so had to be using my laptop, which is quite difficult to use. The basic thing is that am sorry. Thanks to those who read my book when i was away. Thanks to everyone on Wattpad.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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