Chapter 1

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I lean against a wall in the abandoned alley located at the corner of the city. Back against the wall, the sole of my left converse shoe touches the floor, while my right is against the wall. There's plenty of abandoned areas in the city, ever since new areas we're built. That was years ago, and even though no people are around, I think it's perfect. No noise, no people, just peace.

That guy should be coming any minute.

I pull my phone out of my black leather jacket, and open my favorite game that helps me ignore people; Math Dash. People would get on my nerves easily if it weren't for this. It's not like I can't keep my cool though, it's just my little escape in life.

"Hey!" I hear the man's voice yell. He's finally showed up as planned.

I keep my eyes on my phone, and click on a level. As I stand there without making much movement, he marches up to me, and plants his hands on either side of my face with rage.

He points his left index finger at me, "I saw you that night! I saw what you did, and I've been following you since yesterday. You fucki-"

"It's rude to spit on people's faces you know," I say calmly, not moving an inch as I play my game.

"What?! Did you just–"

"Cut you off? Yes, yes I did."

His face turns a dark shade of red, "You fucking bitch! You deserve to fucking pay!"

"He was a criminal," I say as I jump over thorns in my game.

I sense that I had said something that very much displeased him. His face must have a hint of purple, "He was just a man!"

"Yes. Just a man, just like you. That won't matter, however, because I know you will keep this a secret."

"And what makes your shitty ass think that?"

I complete my level, and slip my phone into the front pocket of my dark blue jeans, "Because dead men keep the best secrets."

Before he had time to react, I kick him in his jewels. As he hunches over, I bring my knee up, grab his head, smashing it into my knee. He takes a few steps back, blood now flowing out of his nose and mouth. I run towards the back of him, bring his left arm up behind his back, and push him onto the floor.

I lean towards his ear, "Too bad you're not much of a gentleman, because then I would've spared you... Maybe."

I pull up his arm and hear him wail in pain. I stand up, reach inside my jacket, and pull out my semi-automatic pistol. I aim for his head, rest my finger on the trigger, and let them hug closely.


I'm sure Blake would be pleased. This man's brother didn't matter much anyways. Raping, killing, alcoholic, that guy was waisting all the oxygen in the air. Then, this man laying here. He was on the road to becoming his brother, too bad he saw me shoot him and followed me. He was bound to die one day anyways.

I put my gun away, dust off my clothes to make sure my light grey turtleneck had no specs of blood, and start walking back towards H.A.L. (Hatcher's Assassination League) headquarters. It's hidden in the enormous woods in the next abandoned town over.

I can't believe that man was dumb enough to follow me out of town for miles.

The waves in my black shoulder length hair bounces as I walk in the streets of town. Hands in my pockets, I listen as the echos of my whistling bounce off the small old crooked buildings.


I look at the view through the glass of the elevator, there's some I.T's (Informational Technologists) on their computers, while others scatter around like flies on a crap pile. Running around answering calls, and figuring out important information for the hired guns out in combat. The room is bright with all different colors, but slowly dim as the elevator takes me down the next floor.

The next floor down is more enormous than the last, full of sections for training our hired guns. There, near the elevator entrance, is our new set of recruits, we like to call them "squirrels". We, the oldest recruiters, like to joke about there being four stages here: the lion, the wolves, the jackrabbits, and the squirrels. We, the older recruiters of course, are the wolves.

The elevator stops, and I take a deep breath as fold my hands behind my back. I walk through the elevator doors once they open. The group acts a bit awkward, unknowing what to do but stand there. I clear my throat as I take a step in front of them, and they quickly get in a line, standing shoulder to shoulder with one another.

"Good afternoon, my name is Raven Turpentine, but you squirrels will call me Turpentine. I suppose I'll be in charge of you all, so first I'll have someone show you to your rooms, and we'll start working once you're done. Am I understood?"

"Yes ma'am," They all say in unison.

I watch them for a few seconds, and before I turn around to get someone, I see a guy in line smile. I walk towards him, and look up at him. He's tall, maybe 5'10", nicely toned with black hair.

"What's so funny?" I ask him.

His ocean eyes look down at me, "I just think it's funny we're called squirrels. If we're squirrels, then where's our nuts?"

He started to get on my nerves, "What's your name?"

"Jordon Sanders, ma'am."

"Well Jordon, why don't you wipe that smile off your face. There's nothing funny about being at the bottom of the food chain here. While your at it, come with me."

I walk away, and hear his footsteps behind me. I whistle at a tall jackrabbit with black hair, by the name of Damian Taylor, and his tan skin shines in the light as he turns to face me.

He jogs up to me, his intensely blue eyes looking down at me, "What's up Turpentine?"

I turn around and point at the squirrels, "You see that group there? Show them around, take it seriously, and then come show this nut head," I point at Jordon, "around afterwards."

"Gotcha," He says with a wink as he jogs up to the group.

"Let's go," I say to Jordon, and walk up to a big foam floor mat in a shape of a circle.

A guy steps onto the mat, knowing what it means when I stand here. He walks around a bit, and gets in a position, ready to fight.

I point in the circle and look at Jordon, "Show me what you got."

He takes a deep breath, and steps in the circle. With a nod, I let them know to start. As I watch them move, I can see that Jordon's pretty good, but can't focus on seeing a surprise that the enemy has to throw. It goes on for a while, both still standing with bloody lips. I just sigh and raise up my hand with a whistle, signaling them to stop.

I walk up to Jordon, punch him in the gut, and watch as he bends over.

"You're good, but not good enough," At that point, I saw Damian jogging back.

"Take Jordon here to his room, and get him cleaned up."

I hear him say, "Yes ma'am," and I walk towards the place I need to go; the lion's cage.

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