Chapter 6

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Knock knock knock!

I groan as I open my eyes and reach for my phone to check the time.

Fuck! That's bright. Who the hell is knocking at my door at 3am??

Knock knock knock!

"Fuck! I get it, shut up!"

I rub my eyes, stand up straight, and crack my door open.


"Yeah, seriously," Responds Mai, standing outside of my door, fully dressed.

I sigh, "Blake didn't say we had to leave until 5, Mai."

"I know," She rubs left arm, "I was just hoping we can get some breakfast together?"

"Hm," I start closing the door.


She pushes the door open, and it slams wide open, exposing me in my underwear with just an oversized shirt covering my upper body. I pull my shirt down.

"What the hell, Mai?!?"

"I-I'm sorry!"

I slam the door shut and lock it, standing there in silence for a long minute.

"Um.... You don't have to be self-conscious just because of your scars you know."

I sigh and rest my forehead on the door, "I'll be down when I'm ready."

With that said, I hear her footsteps quieting as she walks away. I reach for a blade on my night stand, and throw across the room.


I stare at Mai as I take a bite of a breakfast sandwich, and she softly smiles at me with her eyes closed. I shake my head with a sigh.

"So when do we leave?"

I watch her wiggle in her seat as I swallow my food, "Since when did you get all bubbly?"

"Oh," She looks at me, "I'm a happy person, but just not at first."

"That makes more sense," I bite my sandwich.

"Why do you wear dark colors all the time?"

I shrug and finish up my food, "Hurry up and finish so we can leave."


This girl is something else, but I'm stuck with her, so I'm gonna have to get used to it. As soon as she stands up to throw away her wrapper, I grab my leather jacket and walk towards the elevators to get out of the food court.

I hear Mai catching up, just in time to make it inside the elevator with me as the doors are slowly closing. I let her press the button, lean back against the wall, and close my eyes, enjoying the silence.

I start to sense Mai looking at me, "What is it?"

"Sorry about earlier, I-"

"Leave it be."

"But you shouldn't feel-"

"I said leave it be. It doesn't matter anymore."

It stays silent the rest of the way up the elevator, and I sigh.


I open my eyes, pat Mai's shoulder, and walk out.


Mai groans once again.

"Mai, please."

"We've been standing in this alley for 2 hours, Raven. What are we even looking for."

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