cherry fic commentary [touhou/beatles]

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aka im very much aware things are going to go downhill from here 

(please someone at least acknowledge they read this I'm very very lonely down here)

Italics—Raiko Horikawa

Bold—Merlin Prismriver

Underlined—John Lennon (1964)

Oh. Hello everyone, it's Raiko Horikawa— your local tsukumogami taiko drum back with her first commentary~ Today, I'm not doing a music remix like usual, but instead a fanfic reading! I also have two other— Merlin!


Get off your phone and stop playing your trumpet.

Just let me finish posting this chapter of my fanfic on Wattpad. Girl's gotta do what she's gotta do.

More Patchouli x Remi, huh?



We also have someone else joining us, I hope he gets here...

Speak of the devil and he shall come.

What the— John how did you get in here?

You told me to 'get my sorry arse over here and end our suffering already' and the door was unlocked.

He has a point, you know.

Okay... you win. BUT YOU COME INTO MY HOUSE—


Let me speak, though. There comes a time when we realize that there's something we want to do in our lives before it's too late. There comes a time when we decide that it's the one thing we must face. There comes a time when we decide to read 'The Cherry Fic'.


My question is what those hashtag things are supposed to mean anyways. But at least Mer has a point: Not this sh*t again.

Alright! Let's start! I've got it up on Wattpad, we'll switch between paragraphs, and.. yeah. We'll read the cherry fic.

Let us begin.

I awake froggily, I can't— F*ck, why am I flubbing over the first sentence?!

Because you have no idea what you're in for yet.

I awake groggily, I can't remember anything.

—There's the eloquent taiko drum we know and love. 

Yesterday was all a blur. I know Phil and I had been dating for a year now, it was our anniversary so we decided to have a party. I remember lots of alcohol, weird indie movies—

Like that Magical Mystery Tour movie I'm going to make in a few years in '67?

I hope to God yes. That's not indie though.

—And boiled eggs. But now, where am I? I adjust my eyes and look around. It's bright, blindingly blight—

Blight? Really?

—but I can make out some obscure shadowy figures. I recognize chairs, what looks like an assortment of clothes and various objects on the floor and a TV. It's my room, well, mine and Phil's room. I wipe my eyes and get up. Shirtless, and wearing boxers.

*whistle* Close your eyes and I'll kiss you... Nah, it sounds better when Paulie does it.

What are you talking about? You sound great.

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