Noble Wars Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

A year has passed since all of the shenanigans happened. Yukino and I are now happily married. We didn’t do something grand like what mom and dad did. We just invited a few close friends of ours.

I am now on my to the barracks and Yukina is with me. She is now holding my hand and I really loved the feeling it gives me.

“How come you came home late last night?” I asked her, smiling.

“Why, do you think I’m cheating on you?” She smirked.

“With a face like mine… I highly doubt it.” I chortled and then she laughed as well. “Really, tell me.”

“I went on a girl’s night out with Matsumoto, Hinamori, Rukia and Nemu. We just had a few drinks and then we talked about stuff.” She smiled.

“What did you talk about?” I wondered.

“Hinamori and Hitsugaya-Taichou are now officially going out.” Yukina whispered.

“Then why are you whispering it?”

“Because they don’t want anyone to know about it yet,” She winked. “They’re not so comfortable with people talking about it since they’re co-workers and childhood friends.”

“What about us? We’re co-workers too.” I gripped her hand a little tighter and then winked.

“They don’t want people talking about them.” She repeated her point.

“But we’re talking about them. Tell me, how did it happen?”

“Can you believe it? Hitsugaya-Taichou thought she was going to go out with someone else which was actually our plan so he’d spill the beans. We made him jealous and now, they’ve told the L word to each other.” She said in an excited manner.

“Come on, you can’t say that they’re now going out. They don’t date probably because they are still keeping it as a secret. Even literally you can’t say they’re going out. You can’t say they’re dating either. I pity them for having such a complicated relationship. If the captain wants the girl, he should step up like the way I did. Remember, I actually bugged you non-stop. This isn’t going to work out properly you know?” I said in a low voice because there were other people on the road now.

“How can you say that?” She scowled.

“You girls just love to manipulate. Maybe the reason why the guy didn’t tell his feelings because he’s just wasn’t ready for it yet. And now that you pushed him, that won’t lead to anywhere good.” I said nonchalantly.

“You can’t possibly know for sure.” She pouted.

“Sweetie, take a look at Ichigo and Rukia’s situation. They still don’t like being classified as lovers but they go out on dates where they are alone. Their so called missions are sometimes really dates on the real world so that’s what you call a guy who really steps up. He even buys Rukia things the girl really loves. One time, they arrived at the manor and Rukia have that really big bunny in her hands she calls Chappy.” I ran my fingers through her hair and then smiled. “You know, you can put that hair of yours into a bun like others would. It’s kind of messy.”

“You told me you liked it like this.” Yukina looked at her hair.

“I love it just the way it is, especially when we’re alone. The thing is, your noble family has been established again and you have a lot of responsibility now. You can’t go around looking like that. It wouldn’t hurt asking one of your maids to fix your hair would you?” I smiled.

“No, it wouldn’t. But I won’t let anyone else fix it unless there’s a special occasion. Or unless you do it.” Yukina smirked and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Alright, I’ll fix it for you tomorrow.”

“So, did you hear about that girl with blonde hair always following Renji-kun around? I think the girl likes him although he still has feelings for Rukia.” I gasped.

“Yeah, we’re in the same barracks for goodness’ sake. Her name is Chieko. She’s one of Ukitake’s siblings. I didn’t know Renji likes Rukia though.” We were near our barracks already.

“They’re childhood friends, what do you expect?”

“All I’m saying is that he should’ve known that the girl is falling for the savior of soul society.”

“Kyohei, the man just can’t help it. I just hope he gets over her soon. Poor dearest Chieko,”

“How did you know about all of this anyway?” I wondered.

“Nemu, Matsumoto and mostly Yachiru… I forgot to tell you, I joined the women’s association department and we’re going on a beach outing soon. The men are also invited. I actually sponsored this outing myself.” I was really proud of how well my wife gets along with the others.

“It’s okay with me.” We stopped walking because our paths were going off to different directions. “You’re coming to lunch with me today right?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She stood on her toes and reached up to kiss me. I kissed her back. When I pulled away, I looked around and when I saw no one there, I kissed her again.

“I’ll be late if we spend any more time here. I’ll see you later.” She said in a high pitched voice, catching her breath and then sighed. “See you later.” She headed right while I headed left.

I walked swiftly so I can get to my barracks. I went to the training ground and there the new subordinates were training. I am their new training teacher now since Renji is busy with other stuff he needs to do.

Soul Society has been peaceful for awhile now and I think it won’t last long. Although, I am glad about how the way things turned out. Sumire-san is on a long vacation with Jushiro-san now. My dad and mom are happy together and I just love to watch them spar together. Dad is better with hand-to-hand combat but mom is better with kido. They’re out on the south rukongai doing some research on frequent disappearances.

Everything is in place and going well. Even my lack of knowledge in kido is now resolved because I’m pretty good at it now. My hand-to-hand combat techniques were polished by Sumire-san. Mom taught me how to communicate with my Zanpakuto now and father taught me the responsibility of being head of the Kuchiki. Mom on the other hand contradicted some and taught me how to lead the Shinran Clan.

Right now I’m quite happy with how things are. Yukino and I hike most weekends when we have the day off. I cook her food during picnics because she still doesn’t know how to no matter how hard she tries to learn. Our past time is commonly spent sparring with each other. Our life may be indefinite but we both know our love will stay forever. We can never ever leave each other’s side again.

At night she sometimes cries and looks around searching for me. She tells me she dreamt that the Kinta Intelligence came in searching for us again because we were successful with the experiment. I often get bad dreams too but hey, when I wake up I see Yukino and I forget all about it. We don’t let it get to us because we’re happy.

We fight from time to time even to the pettiest things but we’re a married couple. That’s only normal. We resolve our issues as soon as we can. The thing I like most about her is she’s not full of pride. When I tell her she’s wrong, at the end of the day she accepts it. I have faults too and I apologize for it the moment tears form on the corner of her eyes. She nags at times when I skip meal and some other stuff but she only does it because she cares for me. I like our set up and I don’t want it to end. I’m surrounded by loving people and I can’t possibly ask for more.

Writer’s note:

This is the end of Noble Wars. When you got to this point that means you have read my little brother, noble collision, and now the end of this series. If I get any more free time, I would make another story. It’s a secret about who it would be this time. Hahaha I left a few teasers too. Please don’t forget to check out my other stories… Crevania… It’s a story of adventure, fighting with a lot of mysteries. And if you’re a Fairytail fan I have the story about Laxus entitled the one that got away. I hope you enjoyed it. :D

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