Cut My Hair {This Is My Life Story}

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One month old her name was Tori she was born at home because her parents knew she was going to get taken away but she was anyway she had split personality from her parents and a problem where she could see hear and talk to spirits so everyone in the world thought she was insane she got taken away from her family and was killed her family didn't know why but the sister tried standing up for her but she died also so both of the children were now dead




The girl is how reborn her name is still Tori but she was called Sydney in her new life she was abused by her father because she was insane to him and a freak she was beaten everyday and called names by her father her mom would always get abused to but raped also so every night the little girl had to hear her mom crying for help and screaming it made the little girl scared and when she would go to school she would get beaten up she always thought the world would get better but it never did so when she finally became six her heart was shattered and broken she knew the world was cold and dark now she couldn't live with it so she didn't do anything about it she let her dad starve her abuse her call her names and get beat up at school she was just some with it all until she was nine her mom finally left her dad but her mom and the world still thought she was insane she could see spirits at night in her room since she was little and it scared her so much but she's now in 6th grade and got out of the hell elementary school that had kids that wouldn't stop beating her up and calling her names until she started get sexualy abused by boys and one pulled her in a closet and raped her she felt disgusting afterwards she wouldn't come to school or even go out of her room she was even more broken she couldn't stand seeing anyone until she met her angel midnight she would always be there for her and never leave her side and always make her so happy but one day she randomly blacked out she didn't know what happened but when she got back into reality there was the boy that raped her the boy that made her feel disgusting and now he's slowly dying from blood lose she looked around and found a bloody baseball bat she killed him Tori has cold blood on her hands she started crying and ran back into the school because it was in the middle of the forest when she walked back in she saw midnight she ran up to her and told her everything all midnight did was hug her and say it all going to be okay nothing will happen to her and she'll make sure of it she started singing to her

Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love
But I guess

This avoids the stress of falling out of it
Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear

When I'm ready I will fly us out of here
(I'll) cut my hair
Strangely he feels at home in this (place)
Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love
But I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here
(I'll) cut my hair
Strangely he feels at home in this (place)

Midnight loved that song Tori always loved to hear midnight sing it made her feel so happy but life isn't always happy




It's now been a couple weeks but Tori god depended so she's just at home but she finally gets to go back to school it's amazing she gets to see midnight again so she walk into school and midnights not there where the meet all the time and she said too her to meet her there because she finally gets to come back to the school but she found out from one of the kids that she committed suicide she was shattered she ran out of the school and promised herself she's never coming back and she ran to the suicide tree that was the place both her and midnight loved she just sat under it crying singing her favorite song

Often I am upset

That I cannot fall in love

But I guess

This avoids the stress of falling out of it
Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here
(I'll) cut my hair
Strangely he feels at home in this (place)
Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love
But I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
Are you tired of me-

She stopped mid way and started balling her eyes out she looked up at the sky it was beautiful but then she saw a spirit that looked like her sister and the spirit hugged her she was surprised but hugged back the girl said "ive missed you so much Tori i'm your sister but you probably don't remember me" but Tori did she hugged her and said "i love you so much and i've missed you! Why did you die for me i'm not worth it" she was still crying but her sister hugged her and said "i'm sorry that i did that but you are always worth it too me" they just hugged each other and they talked all night and Tori didn't get tired one bit her sister had to go because it's now daylight she just hugged her sister one more time and ran back home




Tori found out that she has split personality and that she's has also bipolar,ADHD,dyslexia,and amnesia she slowly got depressed about it all and soon got to the point of suicide because she's lost her family her friends and her angel and now she's officially insane and messed up in the head she's now eleven and she's in a therapy school and goes to therapy she's got bullied even more there she got more and more depressed




She now 13 and she got a boyfriend that would raped her over and over again it made her feel disgusting and a whore until she finally three months later finally broke up with him she was now trying to find someone that will love her for her past and everything but so far nobody will there just get scared of her and run.....until she found a girl named Brandon who knew her past and accepted her for it and never thought of her as a sex toy or a reject a whore or insane anything she thought she was beautiful and adorable and perfect because she's been through the same shit as her so she was finally happy and her heart was slowly healing

This story's about the life of a real girl named Sydney or Tori aka me and i've actually been through all of this so please don't judge me for my past thank you and i'm sorry if this was very long this was my life story and a vent about all this shit i've been through!

I love you all so much



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