Shira (New Look)

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Yay!!!! I got a new phone!!!! Which means I can update my other stories more often!!!! It also means I can take better pictures 😁 Any who, you might recognize this girl

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Yay!!!! I got a new phone!!!! Which means I can update my other stories more often!!!! It also means I can take better pictures 😁
Any who, you might recognize this girl... No? Oh, never mind!!! This is Shira my Star Wars OC. I decided to change her outfit and maybe her backstory...? I don't know... in her original story she was kinda a Mary Sue... 'Scratches head' Maybe I should tell you guys her story, and see what you thing?
Yeah I should 'clears throat' Gather around children, I shall tell you a story, well two versions of it anyway. (PS If you've never seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens you won't understand this.) mSo let's start at the beginning. When Shira was 4 years old The First Order attacked her town and killed her parents. They did that because they learned that she has the Force. But she survived and lived as an orphan until she got caught up in a fight between The Resistance and The First Order. She fought with The Resistance but was knocked out and brought to their base. She joined them and was sent out on a mission with her friend Conner. They ran into Snoke's apprentice Karka. They fought. Conner was knocked out by Karka and Shira defeated her but was severely injured.
Ok, that's all I got. The original story is pretty much the same with a few exceptions. Shira was not injured in her fight with Karka, Conner was. In both stories She is a excellent pilot but in the original story she was genetically modified to foresee the further. I personally like the new story better. What do you guys think?

Characters, art, and story copyrights to me.
Star Wars copyrights to Lucasfilms/Disney.

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