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I got tagged by my good friend thewriterlindsay  . Here we go again.

 Here we go again

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1. I'm 14 years old.

2. I'm going into 9th grade. (Yay high school!!!)

3. I have a older sister.

4. I have two cats.

5. I'm part Russian.

6. I can speak Spanish (kinda.)

7. I'm in marching band.

8. I have a bow and arrows.

9. I take art class.

10. I have glasses.

1. jadesplash
2. Squilin
3. imphantrash101
4. moonwatcher300
5. Sharky-Da-Whale
6. XWingbeatX
7. YaBoiScotland
8. FathomWolf
9. wishfulll-
10. gaybluedodo
11. bubhead
12. hopelessandhelpess
13. StormCloud291
14. siewwei0313
15. Unwanted_Chaos
16. imphantrash101
17. Lanceboi123
18. Mystyc_Dragon
19. SaheltheSandWing
20. XWingbeatX
21. CosmicTeal
22. KazedSkies
23. call_me_kiwi
24. lol_itsisa
25. Trogon33
26. Tsunami_Holmes
27. PedroVilanova
28. SBlur_13

Well that's 28 people!!! I apologize to the people who didn't want to get tagged.


Joke: A ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a beer, bartender says "Sorry we don't serve food here."

Just for the record I looked that up on the internet. 😁

Spoiler for my book Wild At Heart: One of the characters dies.

Spoiler for my book Wild At Heart: One of the characters dies

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1. Don't have one.

2. Too many to count.

3. English, Science, and Art.

4. Never seen TMNT.

5. Don't have one.

6. When I went to Orlando, Florida.

7. Don't have one.

8. Blue

9. Artistic, optimistic, creative, and kind.

10. MissMysteryGame

11. Nope.

12. Yes.

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