Chapter 3 Work

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Crystal was awoken by the alarm next to her bed, it read 05:00 am.
"Oh I've got to get ready" she said as she jumped off the bed and onto the ground.

20 minutes later...

Crystal came down the stairs panicking she was going to be late for the first day.
"The only way I am going to get there in time is to use my wolf form and run there" Crystal thought as she rushed out the door.
"Ok let's do this" Crystal said while blue beams circled around her, then she started jolting to the cafe as fast as possible.

5 minutes later...

Crystal's POV

I finally made it and was actually 10 minutes early. So I went up onto the second floor to see who was going to be my partners for the year. I was greeted by some weird looking men, one had a cup for a head but the other was completely different, he was a rabbit and was kinda scary looking.
"Hey you must be the other partner we were missing" the cup headed man said
"Come on Cuphead your scaring her" the other said "hi my name is Oswald and you are Miss?" Oh he's asking for my name "uhh Crystalline but Crystal for short" I said why rubbing the back of my skull nervously.
"Nice name well that's Cuphead behind the counter" Oswald said as Cuphead got on top of the counter then slipped and fell head first onto the wooden ground. I fell to the ground laughing my ass off, but then realised that he had actually hurt himself really bad, from my experience I ran over to him and picked him up he started to laugh but in a creepy way but on the other hand Oswald was amazed that I could pick him up considering how small I was.

"Cuphead your such a idiot you know that right? Just that your interested in me doesn't mean that you have to hurt yourself" I said disappointed
"I'm sorry ok but I just wanted you to laugh" he said looking down
"At least the day is over right guys oh and would you guys like to come over and hang out and stuff???" Oswald said trying to switch the subject which worked.
"Sure" we both said at the same time which caused both of us to start laughing, but after a while I realised that I was the only one laughing.
"W-what's wrong? Are my-" I said frantically panicking. I looked over to see them both blushing like crazy.
"Your laugh is so adorable Crystal!!" Cuphead said while jumping into a hug which then caused me to flinch and fall back, luckily Oswald caught us which was nice but cups accidentally cut me with his sharp finger, and it was a deep cut and trust me it stung like hell. Oswald noticed the blood trickling down my face and panicked putting me down and running for the first aid kit. Cuphead still hadn't seen what had happened until he felt something trickling down his hand, he looked up to see the large cut down my face and panicked he just kept repeating these words "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" he said backing away into a corner and put his head into his knees and started repeating the same words while crying.
Oswald then came running into the room and walked towards me.
"Ok this may hurt a bit ok?" I nodded in response as he started running wool and other things but he wrapped it over my right eye slowly.
"Sorry but that was the only way it was going to heal probably ok?" He said in a reassuring voice.
"Come on Cuphead, Crystal lets go" he said in a over exited voice
"Ok" Cuphead said quietly and we went to Oswald's house and stayed up until 4 o'clock in the morning

I really liked writing this chapter. Does anyone else feel sorry for Cuppy?!?!

Crystal x Bluestar well not really but I couldn't think of anything so yeah...Where stories live. Discover now