4°- Jay [Female]

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Name: Jay

Nickname: J

Age: 21

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Looks/Clothes: *She also has big round glasses.*

Personality: nerdy, shy, straight A student, smart, tries to be rebel sometimes but fails often, goody two shoes, patient, follower, clever, creative and friendly

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Personality: nerdy, shy, straight A student, smart, tries to be rebel sometimes but fails often, goody two shoes, patient, follower, clever, creative and friendly.

Work: student, bakery down the street

Backstory: when she was just a little girl, her mother fell extremely ill and her father turn to alcohol for help. When her mother finally got out of the hospital about two years and a half later, her father had been lost in the alcohol for way too long now. He started abusing them by hitting and screaming at them unforgettable things. Jay's mother left town with her seven-year-old child to never see her ex-husband ever again. Her mother found a new man which J never liked. So when she turned 16 1/2, she left home and now lives in an apartment by herself...

Other: She has a baby cat named Geo that she loves very, very much.

Other: She has a baby cat named Geo that she loves very, very much

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1°- Your friends had tricked you into going on a blind date with the super shy girl. You arrive at the restaurant thinking that you were going to meet your friends there. A waitress comes to see you and asks you for your name, after stating it... She shows you to a small table in the corner with a girl sitting across your seat. You...

2°- You recently just got into your dream university/college. Today you were going to meet your dorm room buddy. Just as you're about to knock, Jay opens the door and almost bumps into you, making the boxes in her arms fall everywhere. She looks like the typical nerd everyone picks on just because... You...

3°- Make one up!

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