Part 3

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Opening your eyes, you looked at the yellow ceiling, the cracks and water damage more noticeable than before. You pushed yourself up, scanning the motel room. It was in the same condition when you got here, the blood stains and spatter erased as if they never existed. Moving your hand towards your heart, you felt nothing against your smooth skin. Clenching your jaw, you stood up and tore off the bloodstained clothes and quickly put on new ones. Memories flooded into your mind, memories that were not yours. You shoved your feet into your boots and grabbed your leather jacket off from the couch. After putting it on, you noticed a folded piece of paper on top of your cassette tape recorder. Snatching it, you unfolded it and quickly read the note. Rolling your eyes, you stuffed the paper in your pocket and focused on one of the memories, not surprised that you ended up in Hell. Demons were fussing in and out of the throne room, almost like ants scrambling in the dirt. Forcing the doors open, you smirked as the demons in the room backed away.

"I'm pretty sure you're used to this by know," you started, moving towards the throne, "someone waltzes into this room, declaring that Hell belongs to them, yadda yadda yadda. Crowley, hell, even Lucifer has done this, but this is final. I don't give a rat's ass if you are against this, this is Lucifer's command."

You took a seat on the chair, raising a brow when one of the demons skittered in front of the rest. He gripped tightly onto the papers pressed closely to his chest, shaking slightly.

"Lucifer did warn-I mean- informed us of your arrival," he stuttered, gulping. "He has given you full reign over Hell and every resident in Hell has been informed of this."

"Great," you smiled, crossing your legs, "and my first request is to bring the assholes that possessed my parents here and on their knees."


Dean sighed, rubbing his face as he pulled another beer from the refrigerator. Over fifteen empty beer bottles and an open bottle of whiskey and bourbon sat on the table, the cassette tape he grabbed from the previous night. He didn't play it, the guilt of not being able to save you stopping him from listening to it. Dude rested on the floor near Dean's seat, his ears twitching slightly when Dean sat down and popped the beer cap off. Slouching, he took a sip from the beer, the taste not registering on his tongue from the hours of drowning his feelings in alcohol. He looked down at Dude, the place of fries untouched. The poor dog hadn't eaten anything since they got back to the Bunker, not touching anything Dean, Sam or Alethia tried to feed him. Dude had even rejected Dean's burgers.

"I'm so sorry, Dude," Dean rasped. "You've been a father to (Y/N) more than I have, and you're a friggin dog. I don't mean that as an insult to you, it's more like an insult to me. I should have- I should have known that a kid would eventually pop up. I admit I'm a manwhore, but... (Y/N) deserved better. She had it all, a loving family and a nice house, but because of me, all of that was taken away."

Dude lifted his head from the ground, looking at Dean. He sighed and placed the beer down, leaning and putting his weight on his arms.

"What do you want me to say?" Dean asked, looking down.

"That you'll quit drinking for the rest of the night."

Dean looked over at the doorway, not surprised that Sam was looking at him worriedly, "Shut up, Sam."

"Drinking won't help, you know this," he said, walking further into the kitchen, "and talking to Dude won't help us find (Y/N), find Cas and Kelly, or deal with Lucifer."

"I just lost my daughter, Sam," Dean stated, pointing a finger at him. "How many times have we died and came back? So many that I've lost count. (Y/N) did, just once, and now she's one of the things that we hunt. Now we're gonna have to deal with her sooner or later."

"You don't think I know that?" he asked. "You weren't the only one that lost someone. I lost my niece, Alethia lost the only person that saw the good in her when everyone else only saw the monster she was, and Dude lost his best friend."

"I goddamn know that!" Dean shouted, slamming a fist on the table.

Dude stood up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Dean and Sam alone. As he continued down the hall, the shouting of the two brothers faded as he reached the room Alethia occupied. The door was slightly ajar, which provided enough room for Dude to enter the room. He whined, jumping onto the bed and laying down near Alethia's feet. He exhaled, looking around the room. Your scent was dulled, but it was still present in your bed, clothes and the objects around the room. He knew something was off, and from what he had heard the two brothers, his (Y/N) was gone.


Smirking as soon as you saw them enter the room in chains, blank looks on their faces as they were forced to their knees. The clinking of the chains sounded like music to your ears, making your smirk grow. You stood up, stepping down before standing in front of them.

"Well, you two look like shit," you stated, crouching down to their level. "It's funny how the tables have turned."

The one possessed in a dark-haired female body attempted to spit in your face, but you grabbed her face before the spit left her mouth. You dug your nails into her face, loving how pain flashed in her eyes. Sighing, you let go of her face and looked over to the other, who was possessing a younger man.

Standing up, you gestured to them, "I'm guessing you know that I'm not going to kill you, that's too merciful, but I'm not going to put you on the wrack either. I bet the two of you know it well enough."

Raising your hand, you focused on their demonic energies and ripped them from the meatsuits they were inhabiting. Black smoke erupted from their mouths, their bodies shaking as you tore the last remaining smoke into your hand. The meatsuits collapsed onto the floor, but the demons in the room paid no attention to that. They stared at the smoke balled up into your hand as if it was frozen in time.

"If any of you fail, cross or piss me off, then this is what will happen to you," you stated, opening your palm and absorbing the smoke. "You'll be trapped until I use your shitty demonic energy to do whatever I want. I highly doubt you'd want the remainder of your miserable lives fading into nothingness."

You rose your brow, waiting for any response from the peanut gallery.

"If you bozos don't have anything to say, get these damn bodies out of my sight."

Dean Winchester X Daughter!Reader- Back In BlackWhere stories live. Discover now