Part 5

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It hurt when Dean and Sam saw their mother pointing two guns at them, ready to kill them without hesitation. The British Men of Letters did something to her, making her do things she would never have done even on a bad day. On top of that, now they were stuck in the Bunker, which would soon become their tomb. Not only were Sam, Dean, and Bevell sentenced to their deaths, but Alethia and Dude were as well.

"What's going on?" Alethia asked, running out of the hall with Dude by her side. "Why are the lights flashing?"

"We've just been locked in here and are going to die," Bevell replied, taking a seat at the table, "and judging by the two new air breathers added to the list, we have less than two days until we lose all of the air in this place."

"What?!" Alethia shouted, looking over at Sam and Dean. "Is this really happening?"

They both nodded, not able to look her in the eye. Dude growled as if knowing that Bevell was not on their side.

"It seems Dude doesn't like you," Dean said, crossing his arms. "Maybe we should ice you right here, probably give us some more time to figure this out."

"I assure you that I am needed, I am the one who programmed your mother and if we do get out of here, you'll need me to undo it," Bevell stated, raising a brow. "You need me."

"Do you believe her?" Dean asked Sam, not taking his eyes off of Bevell.

"I don't know," Sam replied. "Maybe she's lying, sure, we take her out but mom is still out there brainwashed. If she's telling the truth we do need her."

Dean pursed his lips, nodding slightly, "Alright, if you're so smart how do we get out of here?"

"The only way out is to pull the manual override," she replied, "but it's outside the Bunker, where we can't reach it."

"Awesome," Dean said with a sarcastic smile.

"Wait a second, we're in a giant vault, loaded down with occult books and lore, there's got to be something somewhere in here that can reverse the lockdown," Sam stated.

Dean nodded before heading over to the books, followed by Sam, Bevell, and Alethia, set on finding a way to get out of the Bunker.


"Look who finally decided to show up," you said, turning your head towards the demon you sent to spy on your family. "I thought you were dead."

"I nearly was," he stammered, quickly kneeling before standing up. "The British Men of Letters, your Highness, they trapped the Winchesters in the Bunker."

You rose a brow, removing your legs from the side of the throne and standing up, "What do you mean trapped?"

"They-they're trapped with a limited food and air supply, no water available," he replied. "Mary Winchester was with the British Men of Letters."

Walking slowly towards him, you asked, "Were Alethia and Dude in the Bunker at the time?"

He nodded immediately, "Yes, and one of the members of the British Men of Letters was locked in with them as well."

"Shit," you muttered, walking past him. "I will deal with this, I expect you to keep your mouth shut about this."

"Yes, your Highness," he replied, watching with wide eyes as you teleported away.


"Okay, since we have exhausted our brains with that spell, so I say we try brawn," Dean stated, smoothing out the blueprints of the Bunker.

"How?" Sam asked, leaning down.

"Walls," Dean answered. "The garage, the crows nest have reinforced steel walls-"

"That sounds like an excellent plan, but I think I have this covered."

Dean and Sam looked up, shocked to see you, an older you, standing at the end of the table.

"What? No 'Hello!' or 'We're so happy to see you!'?" you asked, sighing. "Well, I guess that's what I get for not sending a 'I'm not completely dead, surprise!' card."

"(Y/N)," Dean said, his mouth moving, but no words escaped from his mouth.

"Don't exhaust yourself," you rolled your eyes, walking over to them. "We'll talk when your air supply isn't dwindling low."

"How did you get in here?" Bevell asked, "No human or supernatural being could get in here."

You turned to her, "Let's just say that I'm not just an ordinary supernatural being, Crumpet."

"That's offensive," she muttered, leaning back in the chair she was sitting on.

You rolled your eyes and returned your attention to the blueprints, "What do you need me to do?"

"Pull the manual override switch here," Sam replied, pointing to a spot on the blueprints.

"I'll be back," you said before disappearing.

Dean exhaled, realizing that he was holding his breath the whole time you were there. Bevell didn't seem affected by your appearance, but they knew that she was confused about how you got in the Bunker. The red lights blinked slightly before returning to their normal yellowish tone. Dean jumped when you teleported next to him, taking a seat before putting your feet on the table.

"I guess we have a lot to talk about, huh?"

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