Part 10

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Leaning against the doorway, you listened as Castiel explained what you were here for and to not panic. Your pissed off mood lessened slightly as he said he trusted you with his life. It seemed weird that you were here to look after the woman. You knew that she had not much time left, especially since the Nephilim is due soon. Her anxiety could be felt miles away from here, but you won't judge her. Giving birth in general would cause that, but giving birth to the antichrist makes it worse. Snapping out of your thoughts, you watched as Castiel exited the doorway and nodded towards you, a solemn look on his face.

"It'll be okay, Cassie," you said, placing a hand on his shoulder, "she'll be in safe hands."

A small smile appeared on his face, "I know Kelly will, (Y/N), you're the one looking after her."

Without another word, he walked past you towards the stairs. You walked into the bedroom without another thought, your eyes meeting with the woman. She gave you a smile, her hands resting on her stomach as she twiddled her thumbs. You closed the door behind you, locking it while looking around the room.

"Well, this is roomy," you blurted out, walking towards the bed. "Much better than a barn huh?"

She nodded, a surprised look appearing on her face as she was controlling her breathing, "I was not expecting you to be like this. Castiel's circle of trust usually falls under..."

"Seriousness?" you asked, smiling as she nodded. "From what he has told me, I think you need more humor than seriousness. Let me personally apologize for my family's actions, especially my idiot father and uncle."

Kelly's eyes widened as she realized who you were, "You're Dean's daughter, the one they were looking for? They said that L-"

She cut herself off, looking down at her hands. You placed your hand on hers, patting them before standing up and walking over to a window.

"Yeah, he did that," you said quietly, "but he knew that it wouldn't be permanent. It was the only way to make me his heir to Hell, but obviously his brainwashing didn't work."

"After everything he has done to you, you're still helping me?" Kelly asked softly, watching you move away from the window.

You sat back down on the bed, taking one of her hands in yours, "This baby of yours isn't just his, and I have gone through Hell because of who my father is. I won't let this little dude go through what I experienced, I promise you that."

She smiled, her breathing fastening its pace as a few tears fell down her face, "Thank you."

"There's nothing to thank me for," you stated, not even flinching when she squeezed your hand harder than she meant to. "You deserve way more than this. I'm here to make this as comfortable as possible and to make sure your son will be okay."

You looked over to the window, the rumbling of the Impala informing you that your father and uncle just arrived. Kelly looked over to the window, her breathing quickened when she heard the door opening the floor below. Swearing under your breath, you summoned a chair and sat down, not taking your eyes off of Kelly.

"Hey, deep breaths," you said, gently squeezing her hand. "I can't do anything for the pain, but you can squeeze the hell out of my hand if you want."

She nodded, her breathing growing louder as she let out a scream. Her hand squeezing yours tightly as the scream died down. You heard footsteps heading towards the room, unlocking the door with a wave of your hand when you realized it was your grandma. She entered the room, freezing when she saw you next to Kelly.

"Great to see you again, Mary, but now is not the time for family drama," you said, returning your attention to kelly. "Get your butt over here and help her, you know more about this than I do."

She did as you requested, grabbing a chair and sitting on the other side of Kelly, "How long has this been going on?"

"More than ten minutes," you answered, looking over at her. "She was like this when I got here."

You froze, standing up and letting go of Kelly's hand. Frowning, you walked over to the other window, your eyes widening when you saw the glowing golden line floating in the air. How couldn't you sense this before? Before you knew it, Dean, Sam, and Castiel appeared with a flash of light.

"Those idiots," you muttered, returning to your seat.

"(Y/N), go," Kelly said, reaching for your hand. "Go help them."

You were about to argue with her, but her scream cut you off. Nodding, you teleported out of the room, making your dad jump when you appeared next to him.

"Looks like the youngest Winchester is here after all," Crowley said, raising a brow. "I thought you weren't coming."

"You of all people know there's always someone listening, especially when you're discussing something important in the throne room," you stated, rolling your eyes. "I'm not here for any of you, I'm here to make sure that Kelly and her kid are safe."

"How sentimental."

"Don't make me kick your ass to another dimension," you sassed, jutting your thumb towards the glowing golden gate to another dimension. "It'll be really easy."

"Save that for Lucifer," Crowley said, looking over at Sam and Dean. "We all know that we'll need it to deal with him."

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