What's it like in New York City?

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frnkiero: Hey Raymond, when is football practice?

rayisneverwrong: It Is Sunday At Five O' Clock PM

frnkiero: Ok thx i'm going out to eat with my family so i gotta rush them to be in time for practice

rayisneverwrong: Why Not Just Ignore Them And Not Eat With Them

frnkiero: Because they're paying xd

crybaby88: Same

uglypeoplesaywh: Did I hear the mention of food????!?

frnkiero: Yes you did

fedoraandglasses: Hey guys i have arrived 👋🏿

ashley.halsey: Is anybody going to Lana's party? I got invited.

crybaby88: OMG!! You did?!

ashley.halsey: Yup.

yelyahwilliams: How?! She's a major bitch!

crybaby88: And you mean Lana as in the popular girl right?!? Like Lana Del Rey?!?!? The one friends with MARINA DIAMANDIS?!?

ashley.halsey: Haha yes. I don't know why she invited me, I usually stay away from her.

frnkiero: Maybe she thinks ur nice because you never start drama with her

brendontheman7: I got invited

ryanr299: yeah but aren't you grounded

brendontheman7: Yup

ryanr299: please don't say it's another one or your stupid plans that i get tangled int-

brendontheman7: I'm gonna sneak out once my parents are in bed, that way they won't know I left!!I just have to make sure not to get drunk or high and i'll be fine. and if they somehow wake up you can call me and pretend to beg me to come over because your cat died and you're sad or something

ryanr299: sigh

crybaby88: What'll happen if you get caught

uglypeoplesaywh: Ya brendon

brendontheman7: Oh i'm not gonna 😈

frnkiero: I'm guessing we don't wanna know

yelyahwilliams: Did you kill your parentsor some shit

brendontheman7: Nah i just put sleeping pills in their dinner because I had to make them soup as a punishment so they'll be sleeping like babies

ryanr299: babies are easy to wake up

brendontheman7: YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!!

ryanr299: ok jeez 

ryanr299 has left the chat.

fedoraandglasses: Anyways, no i didn't get invited for some reason😯

crybaby88: I thought Lana said she hates you because you were stealing her food and putting notes in her purs-

fedoraandglasses: SHE WAS LYING!!

ashley.halsey: Mhmm. Anyways... say "Me" if you got invited.

rayisneverwrong: Me

brendontheman7: Me if you got invited.

ashley.halsey: No I meant say the word "Me".

brendontheman7: Ohh

brendontheman7: the word "Me".

frnkiero: just ignore him

ashley.halsey: I try.

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