Love and Loss

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The next morning, like clock work, Abbie called me.

"Good morning my turtle dove!" She exclaimed.

A smile instantly played on to my face," good morning beautiful. You sleep well?"

"I slept great. What about you?"

I jumped out of bed and started picking out clothes for the day," I slept pretty good. I wanted to ask you how work was yesterday?"

"It was okay," she sighed," the students were alright, apart from a few smart asses."

Chuckling I said," that's great babe. Just assert your authority."

"Xander," Brooklyn leaned in my room and said," Meg needs you," I held up a finger and she shook her head," like now."

I frowned," Abbie, I'll call you back in a sec."

"Oh, uh, okay."

I hung up and followed Brooklyn to Meg's room. Brooklyn stopped at the door and I frowned at her.

"She will only see you."

Sighing, I nodded and pushed the door open.

"Meg-" before I finished she threw her arms around my neck and sobbed.

I stroked her back," shhh."

"She's gone Lex, my grandmother, she-"

Her words were cut short by her sobs. I squeezed her and stroked her hair.

Megan and her grandmother were extremely close. Meg's mother left when she was young and her father fell apart because of it leaving Meg with her grandmother.

Megan came to UCLA because her grandmother lived in Cali. Every once in a while when we had a short break Megan would take us to her grandmother's house.

Minnie, was what everyone called her. You could imagine what type of woman she was.

The minute I stepped into her house I smelt roses and baked goods. Then Minnie came around the corner, apron wrapped around her body, her face covered in flour and the brightest smile on her face.

She had hugged Megan, then instead of shaking the hands Tyler, Declan, me, Grady, and Brooklyn held out, she pulled us in for a hug. From that point on she had become a Grandma of sorts to us all.

She'd send cookies and dinners and sweaters. And it then dawns on me that I'll never get those things again.

Megan clutched to me as sobs racked her body. And she cried and cried and cried.

It was only about two hours later that she had stopped. By then I had moved us over to the bed and held her. Her arms were wrapped around me and her head was in the crook of my neck.

She had cried herself to sleep, her breathing finally even. Sighing, I slipped out of the bed and laid a blanket over her.

I quietly closed the door behind me after I left.

"What happened," Brooklyn asked.

Declan," is she okay?"

I shook my head," Minnie passed."

Brooklyn's hands flew to her mouth and she turned around, burying her head into Declan's shoulder and crying.

I went into my room and shut the door before sliding my back down the wall. My head in my hands as tears welled in my eyes.

Before I could even cry my phone rang. Swiping the tears away, I answered.


Abbie's voice sounded," hey, you hadn't called me back yet."

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