Chapter 1

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I get off the plane.

I start walking through the streets.

Rocky's mind:Hmm it's dark in L.A.


I jump back and see someone standing in front of me.


??:What's your name?

Rocky:My name is Rocky. And What's your's?

???:My name is James.

Rocky:Nice to meet you James.

James:Hey do you need a place to stay?


James:Follow me.

I follow James to a big mansion.

He opens a door.

James:Boys get down here.

Three boys come downstairs.

???:Oh Fresh meat let me at her.

James:Carlos no this is my friend.

Rocky's mind:I can't let them know that I'm  also a vampire.

Kendall: Aww man.

James:Why don't you go unpack.

I go upstairs  and start unpacking.

 I take my spell book out my bag.

James:Hey it's almost  time for dinner

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James:Hey it's almost  time for dinner.

Rocky:I'll be right down.

I finish unpacking.

I put a jacket on.

I walk down stairs.

Logan:So where are you from Rocky?

I sit down.

Rocky:I'm from New York.

Kendall:I have  one question for you.

Rocky:Ask away.

Kendall:Are you a Vampire?


~After dinner~

I change.

I walk downstairs

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I walk downstairs.

Rocky:I just wanted to say thanks for letting me stay here James.

James:No problem.

Carlos:But it would be nice if Rocky was a vampire.

Rocky:Yeah it would be.

I sit on the couch  and I read my spell book.

~The  next day~

I wake up and Change.

My vampire mark shows

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My vampire mark shows.

My vampire mark shows

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I walk downstairs.

Logan:Is that  a vampire  mark  Rocky?


I walk out the door.

James:Where are you going?

Rocky:The mall.

I  walk to the mall.

Gina:Hi Rocky.

Rocky:Hey Gina.

Gina:How is looking for house.

Rocky:I found one already.

Gina:Is it big?

Rocky:It's a mansion.

Gina:Please tell me hot vampires are staying in there.

Rocky:Yes there  are hot vampires staying there.

Me and Gina walk to the food court.

???:Ooh a vampire lets get her.

5 boys  walk up  behind me and Gina.

???:Hello Rocky.

Rocky:Lucas what do you want?

Lucas:I want you to the Demon realm  with me.

I float in the air.

Rocky:No way.

I throw a fireball at Lucas and his crew.

Greg:Damn it that fire burned my jacket.

James and the boys bust in.

Kendall:What's going on here?

Lucas throws a Lava ball at James.


I Fly in front of James and I put  a shield  around all of  us.

James:Rocky what are you doing?

Rocky:Just watch.

I blast the shield at Lucas and his Crew.

Rocky:Gina Kate Olivia and   Vanessa Now.

Gina Kate Olivia and Vanessa start beating up the rest of Lucas' crew.

I blast Lucas with Lighting and fire until he's on the ground.



Rocky:Thanks we have  training.   

James:Could you guys teach us some of your moves?

Rocky:Yeah we'll start tomorrow.

~I'll have have Part 2 out tomorrow~

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