Chapter 20

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The Future Child 2/2

Jacob's P.O.V

"Hey,where's Rocky at?" I ask?

"On the roof looking to sea if the Vampire realm is heading this way."Roxy said.

We hear Rocky scream.

Me and tha other's run to the roof.

We see Spencer holding Rocky by the neck.

"SPENCER LEAVE MY GIRLFRIEND ALONE."James yelled stepping in front of me.

"Like you can stop me."Spencer said.

I see Rocky take out her katana and Multiply them.

"Hey Spencer."Rocky said.

"What?"Spencer turns back to Rocky.

Rocky stabs him in the chest.

James' P.O.V

Rocky stabs him in the chest.

We all run over to her.

"Guys I'm fine."Rocky said walking over to us.

I just glad Spencer didn't do anything bad to you.

"But we gotta figure out what The Vampire realm is planning to do since half of them were killed."Rocky said.

"But how will we even get into their base?"Kendall asks.

"Easy we dress up as like we came from Australia."Rocky said.

"But only three of us can go"Roxy said walking up next to her.

Rocky's POV

"But only three of us can go."Roxy said walking up next to me.

"Yeah but who?"Logan asks.

"Easy mate I pick who is the strongest in the group."I said in my Australian accent.

And yes I can do an Australian accent.

-After the fights-

"Alright so I picked who's going with me."I said dressed up in a safari outfit.

"So who's going?" Jacob asked.

"James, and Louis are going with Rocky and were staying behind in the van."Roxy said.

Carlos' P.O.V

So glad to be staying in the car while they go get info from the Vampire realm.

-at the vampire realm hideout-

"Alright mates wish us luck."Rocky said in her Australian accent.

Louis' P.O.V

James knocks on the door and Brittney opens it.

"Ah hello their matey such a nice day to be hear."Rocky said in her Australian accent.

"Yes so nice would you like to come in?"Brittney asks.

"Sure."I said in my Australian accent.

Rocky turns to me and shakes her head.

"So what are your names?"Brittney asks.

"I'm Zoe."Rocky said in her Australian accent.

"I'm Jaxon."James said in his Australian accent.

"And I'm Oliver."I said in my Australian accent.

"Well it's nice to meet you three."The leader of the Vampire realm said.

"Brittney keep a look out for Rocky and her friends."

"On it boss."

Vince's P.O.V

"I can't believe they pulled it off."Roxy said.

"What do you expect for them to get caught and captured.

We all look on the screen.

"Alright so what part of Australia are you three from?"


"Ah that's nice your just in time to watch us plot our diabolical plan to destroy this time and then the past."

We shut off the screen and rush to the door.

James' P.O.V

"Yeah that's not happening."Rocky said making a fire whip appear.

The others bust in holding Brittney captive.

"Now if you don't leave this time alone I will have no choice but to kill her."Rocky said walking toward her holding the whip to her neck.


"Your loss."

Jacob let's go of Brittney and Rocky starts leaving whip marks on her.


"Then leave this time alone and I can heal the marks."


Rocky Wraps the whip around Brittney and takes out her Katana.

"Wait don't do it."

"It's your fault she's being killed."I said.

Rocky's P.O.V

I dulipicate my katana and stab Brittney.

I remove my Katana and put it back in the holder.

"Now If you want to surrender now we will spare your life but if you don't we will kill you and the rest of the Vampire realm.Roxy said.


"Alright your loss."

We all join in a circle and cast a spell.

"What is the hell is this?"

"Magic dumbass."

Roxy's P.O.V

Me and Rocky step out the circle and blast the leader with fire.

"JAMES NOW LET'S END HIM!!"Rocky yelled.

James steps out the circle takes Rocky's hand and lighting sparks from them.


They fly toward him and strike him in the stomach with lighting.

"Good bye cruel world."


-After the fight-

"Thank you for all your help."I said.

"No problem and if you ever need help you know who to come get."Jacob said.

"Actually the Vampire realm killed your future selves so I'm gonna need to come back with you guys."

Rocky takes out her spell book and casts a portal spell.

We all jump into the portal.

"Ah home sweet home."Jacob said.

"Now Roxy your gonna have to act like your from this time."Vince said. 

"Alright got it."I said.

-I'll have part 21 out tomorrow-

Just take a bite (James Maslow fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें