Chapter 16

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I wake up and change.

"Hey Jake where's every body?"I ask

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"Hey Jake where's every body?"I ask.

"Oh um they went into the forest."Jacob said.

"Alright."I said.


"Hey we're back from."James said.

"Back from where?"I ask.

"Oh um nowhere."Zayn answers.

James' P.O.V

"Oh um nowhere."Zayn answers.

Look we we're out in the rest of L.A.

"I know your lying to me."Rocky said getting close to all of us.

"A girl by the name of Brittney Jackson has been murdered  sources say that the killer has not yet been identified."The news reporter said.

"Oh um I wonder who did that."Louis said.

We try and run past Rocky.

"Hold it."Rocky said stepping in front of us.

"I didn't say anything."Jacob said.

"I can't believe you guys keep on going out there."Rocky said.

Louis' P.O.V       

"I can't believe you guys keep on going out there."Rocky said.

"I think we should  go out there as long as we don't expose our selves."I said.

"I do agree with that."Rocky said.

"WAIT WHAT?"Jacob asks.

"Bro just trust me we can't stay cooped up in this house."Rocky answers.

Rocky's P.O.V   

"Bro just me we can't stay cooped up in this house."I answer.

"Your right sis."Jacob said.

"Glad we all agree."Vince said.

"Yeah."I said.

Oh and you think it's easy watching after 9 vampires while you and your brother are the only werewolves yeah it's not.

I throw James and the others bags of blood.

"Now when we go out there there will be no biting and no magic."I said.

"Aw why not?"James asks.

"Cause that will expose us  causing me to change my mind about doing this."I answer.

James' P.O.V 

"Cause that will expose us causing me to change my mind about doing this."Rocky answers.

"Alright no biting or no magic."I said.

We all walk out the door.

Rocky stops.

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