Chapter 5

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We head into the ball room.

Dracula:I wanna thank everyone for coming to my birthday ball.

I look at my watch.

Dracula:Let's party.

I pull the boys and we start dancing.

Jonathan:Hey Rocky long time no see.

Rocky:Yeah it has.

A slow song comes on and I stand there

James:Can I have this dance?

Rocky:Yes you may.

I take James' hand and we start dancing.

~After the ball~

I cast the portal spell and we all wind up back home.

I wrap up presents in my room.

I put them under the tree.

Kendall:What's with the presents?

Rocky:Christmas is coming up.

Carlos:What's Christmas?

Rocky:Christmas is  an annual festival commorating the birth of Jesus Christ.

James:And this Christmas is celebrated  with presents?


I use my magic to decorate the house.

Rocky:Ooh I CAN'T WAIT FOR CHRISTMAS cause I can't wait to see what  you guys got me.

I run upstairs and lay on my bed with my door close.

Logan:We have to get Rocky presents  for Christmas.

The boys walk out of the house and  go to the  store.

Logan:What do girls like?

Kate:Wow how do you guys not know what girls like?

James grabs a couple of nail polish bottles.

Carlos grabs a nail polish holder.

Kendall grabs some makeup.

Logan grabs a makeup holder.

James grabs three of their cd's.

They pay  for the gifts.

They come back  and wrap the presents up and place them under the tree.

I use my magic to decorate the tree.

James:Hey Rocky one question.

Rocky:What's up?

James:When is Christmas day?

Rocky:It's in two days.

I slide down the rail.

Rocky:This will be the best Christmas ever.

James:How do you know.

Olivia:Oh she grew up with Christmas.

~I'll have part  6 out tomorrow~     

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