Chapter 16:Ryan

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Rayanne's luggage arrived an hour ago. We hauled them up to her room. My parents are still looking through her stuff to see if there are any clues that could lead us to her. I seriously doubt that there is, but I don't say anything.

"Her bag is here. So is her phone and wallet." My dad exclaims. "That means she can't contact anyone." My mom says. "At least the kidnappers wouldn't be able to use those things in a bad way." I say shrugging. "Yeah." My mom says putting the bag on the bed. We're all still here in Rayanne's room. Jason's been here with us. Their wedding is in five days.

"Look." Rachel says quietly as she picks up different colored boxes. My dad gets one that's labeled mom & dad I get the one that has my name on it and Rachel and Jason get theirs. Brandon has one too. "Did we tell Brandon yet?" I ask. My mom shakes her head. I get out my phone and call Brandon. I tell him what's going on and he gets here in a few minutes.

He enters the room and sees us all sitting around the two duffle bags. I hand him his box. We all open them. Rachel gasps and Jason stares in shock. My mom gets out a card, reads it, and starts crying. My dad looks teary eyed too. I open my box and take out the card.


I'm sorry. I know that this won't fix anything. I love you. I really do. I just really wanted to get out and have fun. And I did. But I know it would've been better if you were all with me. I really miss you. I hope you all can forgive me one day. I know that I made a mistake. But, you know why I really wanted this.

Your sister,

Rayanne Chaise

I already forgive my sister. I can't hold a grudge on her for a long time. Besides, I do understand why she had to do this. She admits it a lot whenever I ask her during our Question games. I look inside and see souvenirs from New York.

Rachel and Jason read their card too and Rachel's crying. Their wedding gift is beautiful. It's a Mickey and Minnie statue. Except it's made out of glass and has their names imprinted on it. With a verse too. That must cost a lot.

I look over at my parents. My mom's crying and my dad's shirt is now getting wet. They got souvenirs too and a little thing like Rachel and Jason's trinket except a different design and smaller.

Brandon's holding the card in his hands and is just staring in the box.

"What is it Brandon?" Jason asks. Everyone looks his way. "I-I texted her. I was going to, umm, my parents told me I could. I asked permission from you too Mr. and Mrs. Chaise. I was going to ask her out. But then-" he stops. My dad nods. "I was wondering when you'd ask her. Seems like its the bad time." My dad says trying to smile.

Brandon and Anne have been friends forever. They're really close. I think Brandon misses her as much as we all do. Briana comes in. "Hey." She says sitting beside me. "Hi. You heard?" I ask her. She nods. She leans her head on me. Don't think we're together or anything. Jason's family and Brandon and Briana's families are really close to ours. We're all like brothers and sisters

"We'll find her." She whispers. "I hope so." I say. "We will, Ryan." She says firmly squeezing my hand.

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