Chapter 4 - Rebirth

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Thalia gasped as she woke, struggling to draw breath into her lungs. Nico. Losing her cousin had been hard on both the war effort and her. They'd never really gotten along, due to Bianca joining the Hunt then dying soon after. But Nico was her cousin, like Percy, and now he was dead.

Hades had been distraught with Nico's death. And while they'd learnt that Vesuvius wasn't currently the Door of Death, they'd lost one of their strongest demigods and Iapetus' friendship.

Thalia pressed her fingers against her forehead and calmed herself before she rose and made her way to the Big House.

"Hey," Annabeth greeted softly as Thalia stepped into the Big House. She briefly look Thalia over, her hard grey eyes softening. "Bad dream?"

"Nico," Thalia sighed.

Annabeth grimaced. "Right," she muttered, glancing over at Chiron. While the Big House had been easily repaired with the assistance of the gods, those severely injured weren't so lucky. Chiron would be confined to a wheelchair for several weeks after Hyperion's attack. And almost twenty demigods would have to have shrouds made for them. Annabeth cleared her throat. "Zeus wants us to retaliate."

"Of course he does," Thalia grumbled, crossing her arms. "Has he conveniently forgotten that we have shrouds to make and injured to heal."

Annabeth took a deep breath. "Not demigods."

Thalia's eyes widened. "But the gods-"

"Exactly," Annabeth murmured. "Mortals will die in the crossfire. But the Titans aren't pulling their punches and we can't either if we're going to win this."

Thalia shook her head. "No - hasn't he thought about the consequences if you do this?" She demanded. "Mortals will die, Annabeth. If we let them die we're no better than the Titans."

"We have no choice!" Annabeth exclaimed. "This war's changed, and we need to change with it."

"The chaos it will bring, Annabeth-"

"Don't you think I know that?" Annabeth demanded. "There will be disasters worldwide - the elements will literally be fighting each other. But Zeus is adamant. He's decided, and the Council has decided with him."

Thalia inhaled sharply. "People will die."

"People are already dying," Annabeth shot back. "Zeus has made his decision, Thalia. And with the new Prophecy guiding us-"

"The new Prophecy which says when the gods have no sway? Well, gods, that sounds like an absolutely amazing idea."

Annabeth's eyes flashed brightly. "Don't shoot the messenger," she snapped. "Zeus' orders. We're moving out later today, going to strike Yellowstone."

"The National Park?" Thalia spluttered.

"Yes," Annabeth nodded, "there's a force of the Titans which has set camp there. We're going to destroy it."

"Destroy Yellowstone Park?" Thalia demanded angrily.

"The Titan camp," Annabeth elaborates.

"And the Park in the process."

"If it comes to that," Annabeth said slowly. "Look," she said before Thalia could snap at her, "I don't like it either, but Zeus has decided."

"That's an animal haven," Thalia said shortly.

"Which means there will be lots of animals for the gods to control," Annabeth continued. "The Titans won't be prepared."

Thalia just shook her head. "This is a bad idea," she said flatly. She continued before Annabeth could speak. "Say Zeus had decided one more time, and I don't care if you're completely immortal now, Annabeth."

Annabeth frowned. "It's out of my hands, Thalia," she murmured. "I'm just a minor goddess."

Thalia shut her eyes as Annabeth flashed out, before she ground her teeth together and angrily turned to punch the wall beside her.

This was a bad idea from Zeus, Thalia could sense it.


There was something around him, something above him. It was sticky and slimy, a brilliant gold that had gotten everywhere.

He pushed against the confining walls around him, starting to panic as he realised that they wouldn't break. He wasn't going to stay stuck there, no it was bad enough feeling his body painfully and slowly being stitched back together.

The last thing he remembered... Erebus' spear tearing through his windpipe and his cervical spine. Futilely trying to stop the ichor, and hoping Kronos would arrive before he died.

He ground his teeth. You're immortal. Come on, Percy. You can do this. The Titan yelled, forcing his divine energy from his body in a rush and shattering his prison. He gasped for breath, ignoring how the air burned as he forced it into lungs which hadn't been used in months. Percy dragged himself out of the hollow on shaking arms, choking and spluttering up golden pus. It left a horrible aftertaste in his mouth and he was tempted to gargle on Phlegathon water.

Percy dropped back, uncaring that he had collapsed into a puddle of golden slime.

Shrieks from monsters echoed around him, but Percy didn't bother with hiding. They wouldn't dare come near him, not anymore.

High above him, through the layers of blood clouds, a faint light came down into Tartarus from the Underworld. Percy realised that his eyesight really was a hundredfold better than a mortal's. He hadn't been able to see that when he was down here with Annabeth.

Percy held a hand out, summoning Tsunami. But there was something different about the sword, the former demigod noticed. Its silver blade had been tinted sea-green.

Percy took a deep breath before he forced himself to his feet, swaying slightly before he steadied himself. The presence of Tartarus was all around him, suffocating. It made him want to crawl under the closest rock and cower away from the Primordial entity. He could only hope to not get the Primordial's focus, else he'd be dead. Percy knew that none of the Primordials did something unless they could gain from it.

And Percy knew the Primordial had a lot to gain from killing a Titan.

The Doors of Death, Percy thought. He'd have to find the Doors to get out. Percy ran a hand down his clothes, pulling a face as his hand came away covered in golden slime. And he'd have to take a dunk in one of the Five Rivers.

But he had to move. The more he stayed in one place, the more likely Tartarus was to find him. And the sooner he got out, the sooner he could get back to Othrys and find out what Kronos had done after his death.

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