Chapter 9 - The New BFG

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When two Titans put their minds together, there's little that can stop them - meddling Primordials excluded.

Kronos prided himself on his ability to get out of any situation solely on his own strength, so he was confident when they set off that Percy and him could take on anything they encountered.

Again, meddling Primordials excluded.

After they'd found themselves back at Damasen's swamp for the tenth time, Percy cursed viciously and twisted to face the cavern around them. "What do you want?" He yelled at the Primordial who had yet to show his face.

Kronos rested a hand on Percy's shoulder. "Breathe," he advised, causing Percy to shoot him a fierce glare.

"I am breathing." He shrugged Kronos' hand off and lifted Tsunami, only for Kronos to grab his arm before he could plunge it into the damned Primordial.

"Not a good idea," Kronos said firmly. "Primordials don't tend to like being stabbed."

Percy was tense as he twisted towards Kronos. "Then what do you suggest we do?" He demanded. "He's playing with us."

"That much is obvious," Kronos muttered. He gestured to the hut before them. "Maybe it's this."

Percy blinked at him. "What?" He asked, looking faintly bewildered.

"The hut," Kronos elaborated for Percy. "You know - the curse - Damasen?"

Realisation dawned in Percy's eyes. "Oh. Right. That actually makes a lot of sense."

"You have been living here, yes?" Kronos mused.

Percy nodded. "Yeah. So I'm the new Damasen?"

"Well you weren't sentenced here by your mother and father, but-" Kronos trailed off at the sharp glare that Percy directed towards him. "But," he stressed, "that's probably it." He abruptly twisted to face Percy. "What are you thinking?"

"Well, at the moment I'm thinking that you're an idiot," Percy dryly informed Kronos. A flash of indignation crossed Kronos' face, and Percy grinned in response as the older Titan pulled back. "But I know what you mean - yes, I actually do know something, asshole, I'm not that stupid - we did meet Damasen when we came down here at first. But you're here, so what's on the surface for me?"

Kronos ignored the odd fluttering feeling in his chest and pointedly crossed his arms. "Leander?" He proffered.

Percy made a noise like Kronos was strangling him. "What?"

"The little bastard that you decided to take in against my wishes."

"I know who he is," Percy said curtly. "That's not what I meant." He eyed Kronos. "I mean why do you care about him? He's Rhea's kid."

Kronos pulled a face at the reminder, but nonetheless he nodded. "Yes. But, you see, since you decided to abandon us-"

"I didn't abandon Othrys," Percy retorted. "I died. Since you're down here, obviously you did too."

"You abandoned me," Kronos muttered under his breath. Percy pretended not to hear him. "Just - think of Leander."

Percy breathed deeply. "Okay," he sighed, looking slightly put out, though whether it was the thought of abandoning Kronos or thinking of the kid he'd adopted, Kronos didn't know. As Kronos watched, Percy's eyebrows scrunched up slightly. His radiation green eyes disappeared as a frown formed on his face. Kronos snorted softly before turning to face the hut, distain clear in his golden eyes.

"Speaking of Tartarus," Kronos abruptly said, "how is he?"

Percy cracked open an eye. "Good. For an immortal who was killed by a lesser immortal and forced into a very temporary slumber before being woken by his siblings because they wanted to direct his wrath onto his step-son who he doesn't really like anyway." By the end of his spiel, he was directing an I-am-completely-done-with-you look at Kronos.

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