Chapter 5 - Yellowstone

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Annabeth's drakon bone sword was a solid weight in her hand, having become a comfort to her in the past three hundred years. But despite that, she had the horrible feeling that something was going to go wrong.

Next to her, Athena frowned. "Annabeth, calm yourself."

Annabeth pressed her lips together. "Something's wrong," she said. "This is too easy."

Athena hesitated. "It wasn't easy to find this location. Many mortals died to bring it to us."

"But we still managed to get the location," Annabeth pointed out. "And there's conveniently no mortals around. There are animals in the area, but they're staying out of sight. The Mist is very strong. We're missing something, mother."

"Even if it is," Athena relented, "it's too late to call it off now." Thunder rumbled overhead, a brilliant flash of lightning carving through the clouds.


The King of the gods stood staring down into the Titan encampment, knuckles white as he gripped his Master Bolt. Thunder rolled overhead again, and rain soon struck Annabeth a great sheet protecting them from the eyes of the Titan sentries.

Zeus didn't move, other than to raise his hands skyward. Lightning crackled overhead, the sky god brewing a storm of immense proportions.

Through the rain, a fire was lit in the Titan's camp.

It flickered to life through the darkness, and was soon followed by many more. Annabeth inhaled deeply, knowing that the Titans would know it was Zeus causing the storm.

Ares sneered down at the camp, fury burning in his flaming eyes. The other gods held themselves stiffly, expressions cold and determined.

Zeus' first lightning strike lit up the valley, the bolt setting alight one of the hundred tents set up beneath them. Instantly, the gods dissolved into beams of light, their divine forms streaking into the camp.

Annabeth tightened her grip as she reformed, sensing Athena materialise a split second later. Lightning cracked overhead as Annabeth lashed out at the closest being, Zeus continuing his onslaught.

The enemy demigod she'd attacked screamed, clutching at his arm. Annabeth stabbed him through the chest, tearing straight through his bronze armour. The former demigod jerked back at the spray of blood, ripping her sword free.

Beside her, Athena stabbed a monster in the gut, forcing it to vaporise with a wail.

The fire Zeus had started with his lightning strikes was jumping from tent to tent, spreading with an ease that horrified Annabeth as she heard the screams of monsters and demigods burning alive.

The fire lit up the National Park, crackling sparks stretching far and high. Heat from the flames was rapidly making a silver sheen of sweat roll down Annabeth's forehead, but she kept on through the camp.

Another lightning strike streaked down towards them, only for it to be deflected off to the side with an explosion of heat and a bright flash of light. It sounded like two mountains colliding, the shock wave toppling several trees over as the ground rumbled.

"Looks like we're not the only immortals here," Annabeth muttered, her voice low.

"Watch your back," Athena returned. "They could be anywhere."

"Which Titans can deflect a bolt from Zeus' Master Bot?"

"Not many," Athena admitted, her tone sharp.

Annabeth could probably list those select few Titans on one hand.

She twists suddenly, turning on the spot and forming a shimmering barrier of glistening grey energy. The grey wolf which had thrown itself at her back while she'd been preoccupied yelped at the sudden barrier in front of it. Its weight slammed against the barrier with a sickening thud, the barrier easily holding firm.

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