Seeing Blind

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I hadn't been able to get Mollie out of my head since I had met her two weeks ago. Her and her friend had somehow inserted themselves into my friend group and although I had only seen them in passing a handful of times, I wasn't mad about it. Even if they did lie about being older and using fake IDs to get into Losers that night. Jude, Greg and Tori had said they fit in naturally, but every time I came around Mollie had seemed stand-offish.

Even sitting across from Shannon I couldn't help when my mind wandered to Mollie. I had taken her to some restaurant on Broadway that she was going on about wanting to try. Looking around at the restaurant and the party that I was about to take her to after this was making me question if it was time to cut it off now.

"You know, we don't have to go to the party if you don't want to. I don't think it would really be your thing." I tried suggesting casually.

It didn't work.

"Seriously? I wanna go I wanna meet your friends! Plus my roommate is basically a shut-in so I'm gonna wanna avoid the dorm for as long as possible."

I was dreading the day I ended up meeting her roommate. The way Shannon goes on about her she seems horrendous.

"She honestly is always singing. Why? Its so annoying!"

"I mean it is Nashville. Its kind of why people come here." I reasoned, if she had a problem with her roommate singing she definitely was not going to have a good time with my friends.

"I mean I guess, but she's so weird, she's always just fiddling with her guitar and scribbling in the notebook. She doesn't even get ready for class. She just leaves without makeup on...and she has a pencil in her bun. Its just so weird, my mama would pitch a fit if I ever went around in public like that. Bless her heart."

"I think that is the most southern I've ever heard you sound. Its cute..." I say trying to get her off the topic. Even though listening to her talk to badly about her roommate isn't the most appealing.

"Well I think you are awfully cute too. Are you ready to get out of here? I'm so excited to finally meet your friends."

I took my sweet time paying the bill and driving to the apartment because to be honest I was nervous about how she would feel being around the people that are closest to me. This was just as important, if not more important than meeting my actual family. It seemed a little too much like an actual relationship step.

When I finally pulled into my spot in the parking garage I grabbed her hand and led her up to our loft apartment. Most of the doors were open and there was music, singing and chatter all over. This is why we picked this apartment.

It was a converted warehouse that was turned into loft apartments right by writers row and at least once a month we all opened our doors and had a huge party, which was mostly just co writes and jam sessions with a lot of alcohol and weed.

We made our way through the halls and I stalled stopping and greeting my neighbors. I pulled her into Greg and Jude's apartment to grab a drink and see who all was around before finally making my way to my apartment that I shared with my cousin, Tori.

I lead her over to where my cousin is sitting with Jude and Lexi to introduce them to Shann.

"Hey, this is Shannon. Shann, this is Tori and Jude. Tori's my cousin and our drummer and Jude plays bass in our band."

"Hi, its so nice to finally meet y 'all. Ryan has told me all about you."

"Well aren't you just cute as a button," Tori teased in a fake southern accent.

I'll hand it to Shannon though, her smile didn't falter at all, whether she didn't realize that Tori was making fun of her or she just didn't care.

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