Middle School & High School

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Middle school started my downward spiral, really.

I started wearing jackets to hide my chest (I have no self-esteem) and I became a recluse. 7th grade came around and I developed a severe depression. It lasted throughout 8th grade, when I thought I was a butch lesbian. Several girls began to hit on me, and I took it in stride. Not too long after I dated this girl who, as I found out when she dumped me, had been lying to me from the start. I was crushed, and began questioning my sexuality again.

I then went into high school, alone and looking for love. I met this boy and began dating him (impulsive me, huh?), and was then approached by a different girl. I panicked and declined her which lost me that friendship.

The next year I was approached by two other girls, and both ended up being horrible people. I kept dating the boy I had met the year prior. Then he and I grew distant and we split up, which got me very upset.

I then met another boy (the first bisexual guy I'd ever met). He seemed nice, so we began talking. It wasn't long before we formed a 'relationship', so to speak. We weren't actually dating, though.

This boy ended up being the most perverted, lying cheater I've ever met. He kept telling me how he preferred boys but was somehow madly in love with me. He forced me into sexual acts that I didn't want a part in. He pressured me to strip for him and when I didn't comply to any of those things, he would make me feel so guilty that I was practically groveling at his feet.

This went on for  a while, and I had the feeling he was cheating. When I asked him, he began accusing me of cheating and wouldn't leave it alone. I cracked and said I was leaving. This boy. This. Boy. Began threatening suicide if I didn't get back with him. I panicked and got with him again. He left me next, telling me to kill myself and that I had ruined his life. I begged for him back because I was stupid, and he came back. A month after, I left again. To this day he still tells me to kill myself and insults me with every slanderous name known to man.

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