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Through all of that, I realized that I was not, in fact, gay, bisexual, or anything of that sort. However, because of my panicked frenzy to try and please the boy who made me feel like such trash, I'd begun questioning my gender as well. After being treated that way and looking back at my past, it didn't seem right that I was a girl. I was tired of being treated like scum because of what parts I was born with. I experimented around.

I realized that I was somewhere between Heterosexual and Asexual. I have a boyfriend, god love him, and he's made me feel like nothing can touch me. As the dominant one, I awkwardly stumble through each day feeling dysphoric. What do I do? Do I try and act outwardly, or do I hide it?

I've decided that I'm FtM, with androgynous bits here and there. I used to call myself a tomboy, but that just didn't do it.

It's me, Bodhi.Where stories live. Discover now