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   Hello fellow Wattpadians, thank you very much for reading my story, it means a lot. I just wanted to say a few things before starting this.

   Number one: Crona shall be portrayed as a boy; I'm sorry if you don't view him as this gender but I wasn't sure what gender Crona is and I've always viewed them as a male so, yeah.

   Number two: I do not own Soul Eater or its characters, only the OCs I've created to put in this.

   Number three: There is a chance this book will have slow updates, but it is not definite. I do not have a strict schedule for my writing and I do get writers block sometimes. I'm truly sorry.

   Now, my dear readers, let us begin!


Sunshine: Death the Kid x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя