Heartfelt Hatred

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This is it. The last soul we need before Lucy can become a death scythe. A cool breeze caused me to shiver slightly as I looked at Lucy.
   "You ready?" I asked her.
   "As I'll ever be."
   She took a hesitant step forward, examining the small cottage the witch lives in. It was a small, one story building; the chipped paint seemed to be colorless and worn.
   We walked towards the structure, false confidence washing over us with every step. I can't let everyone down, especially not Lucy; this means so much to her. Screw that. It means a lot to me, too! This is my only chance to prove myself.
   Lucy gripped the rusted doorknob, slowly turning it, the door blasted open, revealing the witch we were about to fight. She laughed.
   I held Lucy as she turned into her weapon form, taking a deep breath.

~Timeskip to the end of the fight brought to you by the author's lack of ability when it comes to fight scenes~

   "Y/N, get out of there!" yelled my partner, desperation dripping in her voice. "You're going to get one of us killed!"
   I couldn't give up now. I have too much to fight for.
   "Swallow your pride for once and back down, Y/N! It's not worth it!"
   This was it; I was going to die. The witch knocked Lucy away from me, and was now towering over my trembling figure.
   I braced for impact, but it never came. I opening my eyes and saw my weapon, laying on the ground, completely still. My name was the last word out of her mouth before she had lost consciousness.

~timeskip to the next day~

   Lucy was in the hospital, she had just woken up. I felt guilty, anxious, and over all, numb. This was my fault and I don't know why I didn't listen.
   Rushing into her room, my eyes widen as I see the consequences of my actions. There was Lucy, hurt, dying even, because of me.

Lucy's POV

   Y/N, my so-called 'meister.' The nerve she has showing up here after what she did. It's bad enough she landed me here, but it could've been her. She's lucky I made it to her in time. Honestly, I don't care that I could've died; I have to start over. All of those souls, gone.
   Alas, here's the girl that caused this, Y/N, crying, acting as if she cares. Pathetic. Wait, what are you thinking, Lucy? She's your best friend!
   Y/N kept apologizing, and as much as it hurt me, I said those three little words that I could never take back.
   "I hate you."

A/N: Hello! I'm really truly sorry for focusing so much on Lucy, but hey, she's your weapon and will end up being an important character in this. That, and I love her character and honestly want to write a book about her but probably won't get around to it. Anyways, thank you so so much for putting up with my horrible writing, you guys are great!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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