Tutti Fruity

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Lucy's POV

   "Black*Star, you idiot!" I couldn't help but laugh at Kid's outburst. Once again, he's having a panic attack about the symmetry of the school.
   "How many times do I have to tell you no—"
   "I, the almighty Black*Star, have no time to listen to your foolishness!"
   Pulling a blushing Y/N away, I couldn't contain my laughter. Personally, Kid doesn't like me very much and I couldn't care any less, but I know how much Y/N likes him, so I put up with him.
   Now that I think of it, I'm kind of her wingman. I mean, I do hype her up before she talks to him, and I've tried to set them up before, Y/N just chickens out.
   "Come on, Fruity, I want to see what happens!" I groaned.
   "Don't call me that, Y/N! That was years ago!" I really hate that name.


"Lucy!" I whined. "I'm tired!" As I jumped onto her back, she chuckled and carried me to class. I took this time to think about Death the Kid. I took time to think about why I like him, if I like him, and that he doesn't know who I am.
Kid is perfect; he's symmetrical, charming, talented, and just, amazing! There isn't a word for it! But, all the girls like him, so why would I be any different than they are? Kid, Liz, and Patty are like a family, and they all get a long for the most part. Lucy and I? We're like really close friends that only like each other because they hate the same things.
The other students at the DWMA hardly notice us, and if they do, it's only to bully us. We're talented too! Lucy is going to be the first Death Scythe in our class! Maybe then the bullying will stop and we'll be accepted! Maybe then we'll be recognized for our talents! Until then, only Lord Death will know the truth.

   Professor Stein was listing off names of whom would duel whom. I wasn't really paying attention until I heard Kid's name. What poor sucker would have to duel him? I thought I myself.
"Y/N L/N and Lucy Gatz."
    My eyes widened and Lucy cursed under her breath.

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