Cracker Jack Boxes

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Lord Death's POV

Y/N L/N and Lucy Gatz have made an incredible duo. But, I fear for their future; they are both very powerful alone and who knows what they can do. Lucy has tried many other meisters before, sadly, they all perished as soon as they touched her. Quite sad, yes.
Regardless, the pair is rapidly beating all the other students in their class, and soon Y/N will assist Lucy in becoming a Death Scythe. But if anything goes wrong, they could wipe out the human race with their strength.
I've noticed something recently with Kid as well, he's become distant, but he always has a glint in his eyes. As a parent, I think my little Kiddo has a crush! I bet it's on that Y/N girl, they'd make a cute couple!
   "Father! Stop it!"
   "Sorry Kiddo!"


   Lucy finally got out of the infirmary, but now she's more distant than ever. Sure, she's always been on the quieter side and likes to be alone, but now she won't even make a sarcastic comment in class. Im worried. But, should I be? I have more important matters! For example, what am I going to do about Kid?! I like him ever more now! For the love of Death, what am I going to do?!

~Timeskip to lunch~

   Lucy and I sat alone at lunch. Again. Like every other day. But today was different, I don't know why though. I had opened a box of Cracker Jacks Lucy has given me, but then someone took the box from me.
   "Hey!" I complained, making a face. The person only laughed and sat down. Kid.
   Kid and I had ended up talking the rest of lunch and Lucy watched Crona talk with some basic girl that all the guys like. It's gross honestly.
   Suddenly, Lucy crushed her box of Cracker Jacks. Kid and I just stared at her.
   "Everything ok—"
   "Look at them!" She yelled. "She's so cheap so could be the prize in the Cracker Jack box!" I could help but laugh as she threw the box at a tree, in which it bounced off of and hit Black*Star on the head.
   "Who threw that at their god?! Show yourself you peasant," bellowed Black*Star.
   "Shut your soup cooler!" Lucy shot right back.
Kid and I couldn't control our laughter anymore, causing both Lucy and Black*Star to glare at us. My cheeks tinged a pink color as I caught my breath.
What a fruitcake, huh?

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