Being Coma

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~~SUGA'S P.O.V~~

We all now in the house while me still thinking about month ago. Jane was  in coma since she closed her eyes month ago. Now it's my turn to visit Jane so change and wear mask, sunglasses, and cap. I took my wallet, car key, and also my phone.

I decided to call jin hyung since i'm going to buy kumamons as i promise at Jane back then. I dailed Jin hyung's number and wait to pick the call

"Yubeosaeyo? (Hello?)" Jin hyung said

"Hyung i'm going to be late because i have to buy some things.." I said and he sigh

"Just be quick, araseo?" He said

"Araseo hyung i'm hanging up now bye.." I said and hang up the call and drove away


After some minutes.. I finally arrive at the kumamon's store and park my car aside. I went in and buy some kumamon's merchandise then went straight to the hospital

I arrive at the hospital and park my car to the parking lot zone. I went inside the hospital and straight to Jane's V.I.P room. I saw jin hyung playing on his phone on the couch while laying comfortable.

I clear my throat that make his attention towards me. He got up and slid his phone in his pocket and pat my shoulder.

"Take care of her and keep your eyes on her" He said and i nod

I hand him the car key and he walk out of the room. I place the merchandise on the floor and sat on the chair beside her bed and caressing her pink beautiful hair with my hands

"I'm sorry when i was being cold and harsh to you when you we're new adopted i was just shock and didn't still believe that we adopted you... you know when i caught you in the studio.. i amazed by your talent and i always think that you're blessed by god. I was scared if you broke the studio.. you can't record your songs

When we have to leave you i was think that if you're fine when you alone.. or might something bad happened to you when we wasn't around to watch you then it's happened.. i'm so sorry if i hurt you inside i just hate when you disturbing me specially in me sleep time *chuckle* i really love to sleep so i couldn't control myself when it comes to my sleep.. i'm sorry again please wake up i miss your voice, sweetness averything i miss about you.. i love you my pumpkin please Wake up.." I said as i my tears come out one by one

I closed my eyes and hang my head down and cry silently but then....


I look up and i saw Jane smiling weakly while her eyes open a bit. I cry in happiness and push the button to call the doctor

"Jane can you hear me?" I ask her which she just slight nod

"Thank god... wait i have something for look.." I said as i took out a medium size kumamon stuffed toy place it infront of her face

She smile a little bit look at me "A-a-appa 보곳히라" She said in very weak voice but cute "I'm here pumpkin how are you feeling?" I ask

"Im okay" She said while raising her left hand. I take it and place on my cheeks. Her hand is cold as ice but i felt sudden hotness on her hand

Her hand was cold then now it warm really warm. She's back i mean she become joyfull again. I smile and call hyung immediately. Suddenly she jumped out of the bed.

She stretch her body and faced me "appa can we go now im hungry as zombie and-- it's that kumamon's collections?" She said and i nod with smile on my face.

"Thank You Appa your the best" She said as she hugged tightly. 'Wow when did jane become strong?' I thought "Pumpkin i-i c-cant breath" I said while catching my breath

She let go of me and "my bad appa" she giggle then suddenly my phone ring. It's jin hyung so pick up the call "oh hyung... jane is awake... okay---- Jane what are you doing?!

~~JIN P.O.V~~

I call yoongi but not that long he answer
On the Phone

Yoongi: oh hyung
Me: what is the news?
Yoongi: Jane is awake
Me: Jinjja?! We're going there soon.
Yoongi: Okay--- Jane what are you doing?!
Me: What is happening there suga?
Yoongi: *sigh* She's climbing at the window just to get her necklace that's hanging at the curtains pole!!
Me: Oh my god hang in there make sure that she not gonna fall
Yoongi from the other line: Yah don't swear-
Jane in yoongi's line: I DON'T F**KING CARE--*clank* Oops heheh my bad
Yoongi: *sigh* im hanging up because jane accidentally kick the flower vase near at the window bu-- Jane!!

Call Ended

~Suga P.O.V~

I physically face palm myself because jane sleeping while hugging the pole like a panda. Then suddenly the door open..... it's was the boys

"We're here wth happend here?" Jin hyung and i just shrug my shoulder "JANE!!! MY SUNSHINEU!!!" Hobi yelled that jane throw a pillow towards him "Shut up i'm sleeping here can't you see!!" Jane whined af

Then she fell asleep again


Cliff hanger sorry for short chapter i've been busy these past days and i'm sorry for late update i'm lazy to write the chapter i force myself to write and thank you for 1k+ reads i really appreciate it and merry late Christmas i hope you have a nice day bye soldiers mwuah

Author-nim Jae Jae

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