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~4 Years later~

~Yoongi P.O.V~

It's been 4 years since my pumpkin disappear into dust and i still didn't move on at her death. All of this years everynight i cry so hard because it's hurt. And Jin hyung same as me since we're roommate sometimes we talk about jane while crying because of the memories that she's with us.

Now it's night and it's 10 p.m. Jin hyung about to close his eyes but he spoke "Yoongi.." "Ne hyung?" I ask him "Do you think jane's in good place?" He ask well obviously holding back his tears. "Obviously yes" i smile as i imagining her life right now. "If sunmi didn't came into our life and jane still alive... what is her face right now?" He ask while his tears falling slowly.

"Of course she become more pretty, talented, and maybe now she's famous, young, and.... maybe she's still with us" I explain while sobbing quietly. "Yeah your right but she's not with us anymore" He admitted the truth and he let all of his tears out. I let out too since i can't take it anymore "I really miss her smile, laugh, sweet voice, her angelic voice when she's singing, eveything i really miss about her" I said while sobbing

"Well we can visit her grave that we made for her tomorrow since it's our freetime" He smile while his tears still flowing like a river. I calm myself and went to jane's room. I enter the password that she said and went in.. i look around her room

To be honest we clean the mess and fix her room. I sit on the side of her bed while looking around. Suddenly something fall from her nightstand i went to look what it is. I pick it up and it's U.S.B i examine it curiously and went back to mine and jin's room.

I grab my macbook and open it. I plugged the U.S.B and look at the files. As i saw it it's full of cover songs and her songs and some are her dance covers. I click the song name don't leave me since it's our song (at the media guyseu)

While i'm listening at her voice jin hyung went to me and listen too

Don't leave me Now Believe hashiri dasu
No Ending Kiwa boku no kuduo

We smile at her voice while continue tearing up. "I wish we hear it personal by only from her" Jin hyung said and wipe his tears. "Let's continue listen it tomorrow at her grave and now let's sleep so we can go to her grave earlier" He added and went to his bed and sleep


"Are you ready guys??" I shout at them. "We're coming!!~" They sang and rush inside the van. "Okay guys let's gooo" jin hyung said and drive off to jane's grave.

~1 and half hour later~

"We arrive guys let's go" i said and went out. Me, Namjoon, and jin prepare the picnic infront of jane's grave. I put a bouget of pink rose in the small jam jar with a half of water. We finish arrange the picnic area and i call the others.

"Guys the picnic are picnic ready!!" I shout and they stop playing around. Jimin stop blowing bubbles and went to us. "Wow kimbap give me some!!" The two maknae said in excitement. I giggle and grab my macbook.

I open it and plug the U.S.B then plug the speaker. I play all of the songs that in the file. First song came up is her famous song goodbye. The maknae line lipsync jane's song while doing some dramatic moves but it turn into comedy that make us laugh.

I wish you were here pumpkin.. but you were in good place. The place that you can't suffer any pain.

Suddenly the members start to fool around after we eaten. "Oh hyung let's have some fun!!" Kookie said. I smile and nod. I pick a energetic song from her file and it's 'gogo'

I stand up and join them. We play like a little kid. But still i wish you were here pumpkin and i miss you..

The End

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