chapter 8-scott

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I woke up in a strange room with a girl laying on my chest I couldn't tell who the girl was but she kinda had hair like Malia and smelled like her too, not that I smell Malia or anything stop accusing me of things, I gently moved away from the girl and got off the bed only to fall back down making a huge thud "who's there" the girl woke up and looked around, I slowly stood up with my back facing her "me" I said shyly, I guess she realized we had sex with each other and jumped off the bed quickly grabbing her clothes getting dressed "don't turn around I'm.... Peeing" I turned around and looked at her "no your no-" I realized who the girl was "no this can't be happening" she looked up at me with a shocked face "Scott...  Please tell me we did not have sex together" I looked around for a condom or something indicating that we had sex last night "I don't see anything so we probably didn't have sex" she smells me then herself "I smell like you idiot" I laugh "we were laying in the same bed and you were all cuddled up to my chest" she blushes and look away, I make her look at me and I kiss her forehead I know I know that's a couple thing to do but we had sex together I wouldn't not not give her a kiss or something plus she's really cute and I like her, I put on my clothes and we walk downstairs together we see Lydia cleaning so we help her we didn't bother telling anyone anything because we were all drunk so there's really no point in doing that right...?
[it's ya boi James with another chapter today I wanted to give you guys two because I've been absent lately if you have any questions about anything let me know I'm free anyday to talk to and I might not update tomorrow because of wrestling and lacrosse practice until further notice this is J.R signing off]

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