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Anamika and vedehi after that discussion started studying for next day's exam. Both of them were among top 5 students of class and tough competitors. They started studying at 7pm and with 5 min gap after every 30 min they finally went to sleep at 11.30pm and then woke up at 5.00 Am to read short notes. And then finished at 5.45 after that they took breakfast and left for school.
Both were quite confident but Anamika had a little problem she got a cut on her right hand ( by which she have to write) , it was painful but nothing could be done at that instant.
So she decided to go to doctor after class.
But due to that pain Anamika was unable to give her best in exam.
After two days
Teacher(anamika's favorite teacher) :
So, the topper is vedehi.
2nd siya
3rd prachi
4th arvind
5th avinash
And 10th Anamika.

Anamika come to my cabin

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Anamika come to my cabin.
Anamika : ok sir
Then she followed him and went to the cabin.
Teacher : so, where is your attention now a days.
Is there any problem with my teaching.
Or any other problems, as the board's are getting near and near your performance is depleting day by day.
What's the reason??
Anamika : (wanted to tell truth but stopped bcoz it may seem an excuse)
Sir actually I ... I.. I lost my concentration and hence didn't studied well.
I'm sorry . I wouldn't disappoint you next time.
Teacher : better. Ok go now and concentrate on studies.

Anamika left from there .
Vedehi was waiting for her in the canteen as they decided to go for movie after exams.
But As soon as vedehi saw Anamika she realized that she has many questions in mind so, before she could speak anything vedehi took her to corner of garden and asked
Vedehi : what happened??
Anamika : Why do peoples except a lot from me?
Vedehi : "May be they do because you are a good performer..
What else can be the reason...
But all expectations are not to be fulfilled...
Just try and go through few of them.... You may be not able to do that .
But the person who cares of you and genuinely interested in your performance just want you to try.
And don't care about the rest, they too don't..😃😃."
Anamika : that's fine to expect a little, Why they think that I should be perfect??
No one is perfect, how can I be??
Vedehi : Ya that's true you can't be perfect.
And don't try to be perfect for the society.
But if a person who respect you and whom you respect thinks it.
Then it means you have the potential of that..

Not being perfect but being good and fair performer. And I know whom you are talking about, he is your well wisher his expectations are a little genuine."
Anamika :ok I agree they are genuine but Why they think that if I once performed good than I will always do??So easy to influence them and again so easy to disappoint!!! Huhhh!!!!!
Vedehi : Hey if you once performed good then its natural to expect that.
Yes there are few days or say few situations where you are unable to perform good. Like this one😊.
Instead of thinking about them just prepare for the next one..
And if expectations are genuine then you will surely fulfill them.

Anamika : ok I will give my best, but my best Is not there best. Is it necessary that a good student , a good human, a good friend.....etc....
Is the best student , best human , best friend......??
Vedehi : Humans are here to try to search new boundaries and break the old one.
Yes its not necessary to be the best but real satisfaction is in trying to improve.
Don't ever try to be the best BUT being a human always try to be the better version of yourself.
And if your expectors are your teachers and your parents then they will be glad with your steps to improve yourself to be better not the best.

As the best can't improve anymore so there is no person in the world who is best till you find a man who has nothing to improve with...
And this is one of the few things which I think to be impossible.

Anamika : oh! So your theory that nothing is impossible too have exceptions. *Smirks*.
Fine then tell me, Why do people don't understand that its really very difficult to maintain our performance..??
Just one fail and everyone become against you ... WHY!!???
Vedehi : Failures are the stepping stone to success.
And in life everyone faces failure after all we are not god we are humans.
Society is made to speak let it speak but listen only the logical and satisfying things not the depressing one.
If you sit to listen society's views and gossip then you will turn mad.
Just listen to your soul, and the internal voice which always tells you about dos and don'ts.
And one more important thing
Be happy😊😊😊

Anamika : I understood all what you said but then too I am just frustrated of these expectations !!!
Can't they understand ??
Vedehi : Make a try to make them understand human limits.
At the same time keep in mind that you are limitless you have great possibilities...
And if you try you can fulfill those expectations too..
But avoid the expectations which you are not happy with, as far as possible.
At last just a sentence with a deep meaning...
"Every coin has two faces"
I know you are smart enough to grab the meaning.
Anamika : 😊😊😊😊😊😊 Yeah you are right why didn't I thought this earlier, now next time beware You will not be the topper.😜😜😜😜

AN: photos in this series are all taken from internet.
This is my last update now I'm gonna take a long break.

Questions in Anamika's Mind 【Completed】Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя