Chapter 1) Hogwarts Express

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1st year

Today I was finally going to Hogwarts with my twin Siri. I decided to have waist-length black hair with loose curls, bright blue eyes. (I can change my apearance bacause I am a metamorphagus). We had raced downstairs and we now eating some pancakes for breakfast. I cannot WAIT to get out of this hell hole and be free! See me and Siri has this twin thing that means we can speak to each other in our minds, sort of like telapathy.

"Have you packed yet we are leaving in 5 minutes?" Called our oh say amazing mother from the kitchen. (Note the sarcasm). "Yes mother!" Siri and I called at the same time. 'Hey Siri' I said to him through our twin telapathy thing. 'Yes Nyxi?' He replied. 'Are you excited? I can't wait to get to Hogwarts and away from this dreadful *cough cough* I mean lovely family?' I then asked. 'Hell yeah I'm excited and same here sis, same here'.

"Come on we are leaving now!" Called our so jovial mother. 'Aahhh i'm so excited let's go let's go!!' I said to Siri. He laughed. My hair changing to blue ends because I am so excited.

----Time skip----

"Come on Siri let's do this!" I called. "Together" he said. "Together". We then ran through the barrier and onto Platform 9 3/4, then went to put our trunks into the luggage compartment then took our owls, (mine was a white snowy owl called Snowdrop, and Siri's was a jet black one called Midnight). We then bid goodbye to our mother then ran to find a compartment.

After looking for about two minutes, we found one with a boy with sandy brown, curly hair sitting there reading a book. I opener the compartment door and asked " Excuse me, can we sit here, everywhere is else is full?" " Yes of course you can" he replied, smiling.

" My name is Novaria Nyx Black but you can call me Nova or Nyxi. And this is my twin brother Sirius."

"Hi nice to meet you, my name is Remus Lupin" he replied smiling, then getting back to his book.

When I sat down, I hot a full view of his face. He had choclatey, hazel eyes that you could get lost in, with his amazing hair, and that smile, it made my heart melt I could die aahh he is so cute! No! Stop Nova, you can't think like this!

I guess I said this thought to my brother because then he said to me in my head 'ha ha Nyxi we just met the kid and I do not want to hear my sister talking like that'. He then started to laugh.

This made me blush.
<Remus's P.O.V.>

I was sitting in a compartment, waiting for us to leave, when two people came in "Excuse me, can we sit here, everywhere is else is full?" The beautiful girl asked." Yes of course you can" I replied, smiling. Oh merlin she looks gorgeous.

When she sat down, she said
" My name is Novaria Nyx Black but you can call me Nova or Nyxi. And this is my twin brother Sirius." OMG her voice is so angelic. I replied "Hi nice to meet you, my name is Remus Lupin" then going back to reading my book.

I couldn't concentrate, all I could think about was her, with her curly black hair, her dreamy blue eyes, th way her outfit looks on her, it shows off her curvs and makes her look stunning, in my opinion anyway. She just seems really sweet, kind , loyal but also very fiesty. No Remus stop! You can't like her, not like you are! Besides, she will never like you.

When I looked up for a second, I saw her blush. Oh my heart is mealting. (I know cheesy but it was really like this).
<Nova's P.O.V.>

Soon after, a boy with shaggy black hair with glasses came in and said "hey do you mind if I sit here, every where else is full?" Siri then replied "'course not mate, I'm  Sirius Black and this is my sister Novaria Nyxi Black, and this is Remus Lupin". " Nice to meet you, I'm  James. James Potter"

We all started talking when James asked "so what house do you guys want to get sorted into. I personally want to be a Gryffindor. What about you Novaria?"

"I would like to be a Gryffindor myself which might not go down well with our family but oh well I hate them all anyway. And James, please call Nova or Nyxi."

"OK Nyxi, what about you Sirius and Remus? And what did you mean that might not go down well in your family and why do you hate them?" James asked.

"I want to be in Gryffindor to" Sirius said, the Remus said "same, but I don't really mind, just not Slytherin."

'Siri should we tell them about home?' I asked him. He replied 'I think so. I trust them'

So then I started explaining how our family were all in Slytherin and how they are all about pureblood and pureblood maniachs, and how we could get disowned if not in Slytherin. And how they one used the cruciatus curse on us when we did some thing horrible. Also why I want to be in Gryffindor.

When we finished explaining, they both had shocked expressions on them, we (Siri and I) just started chuckling at their faces.

"Anyway, why don't we play truth or dare to get to know each other?" Sirius suggested. We all nodded in agreement.

"I'll start" James says. "Nyxi, truth or dare?" "Truth" I answered. "Do you have any hidden talents?" I just smirked, I was going to show everyone I am a metamorphas. "Does this answer your question?" I asked, before turning into an exact copy of him.

After I did this, they all had their jaws dropped, apart from Siri of course, he already new. So I changed back.

"T-That was a-amazing! I love y-your hair with different colours, it is v-very unique and quite quirky." Remus stuttered. I tried to hide a blush coming, I think I did hide it. But they may not have noticed when my hair flashed hot pink then went back to how it was before. Little did I know James noticed.

"Thanks Remus. No my turn, this to you Remus and James, what are your hobbies? And I know what your thinking, yes its boring but I know when we get going into school and we are best friends then they will get spiced up" I said and winked at them. I thought I saw Remus blush for a second but it must be my mind playing a trick on me.

James answered "I think we are already best friends yeh guys?" Everyone murmered in agreement. "And I like quidditch, pranking and just chilling with friends"

"Remus?" I asked.

"U-uh, I like reading, and chilling and maybe the odd prank or two. What about you two, Sirius and Nova?" Remus said.

We both smirked, then said in unison "well, we are amazing at Quidditch, king and queen of pranking and listening to muggle music, a band called Queen".

James and Remus laughed at how we spoke in unison. Remus said " Twins" whilst shaking his head, chuckling.

We then all just started talking about prank ideas and just random stuff until I went to get changed into my robes, then arrived at Hogsmede Station and went on the boats to Hogwarts! I'm so excited!

I hope you liked my first chapter! I know it was not very good but this is just a bit of fun. Sorry if my grammar and spelling are bad. Bye

Sirius and Novaria Black twins~Marauder eraWhere stories live. Discover now