Chapter 2) Sorting

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<Nova's P.O.V.>

We stepped into the boats, Siri, James, Remus and I are in a boat. As the boats were moving, I looked around to get a good look of the place, and I saw the water rippling. Me being as curious as I am, looked over the edge of the boat a huge tenticle came up and waved.

I heared the boys gasp as I fell backwards in shock, and landed on someone. That someone was Remus. "Sorry Remus" I said, trying to compress a blush, but laughing all the while. Remus was trying to hide a blush that I noticed but not sure if anyone else did, and said "I-Its OK Nyxi". I was sat there staring into his eyes for merlin knows how long, but Siri nudged me out of my thoughts and pointed to in front of us.

As we turned a corner, we saw it. It looked absolutely amazing!!!! 'Siri look at it its soooo amazing i'm so excites! But I'm nervous. What if we end up in Slitherin like mother and father?' I said to Siri through in our minds.

'I know its quite a sight! And don't worry Nyx, everything is going to be fine, I'm sure of it'. He replied.

'OK, thanks Siri I love you.'

'Love you too sis and its OK.'

As we got off, we were met with a very stern but kind looking lady, who I instantly knew not to cross.

" Welcome to Hogwarts everyone" she said, "my name is Proffesor McGonagall, and please follow me."

We were stood in the entrance hall when she came back and said, "we are ready for you now".

As we walked in through the huge doors, I was instantly mesmerised. The ceiling looked like the sky outside, clear and thousands of stars, and hundreds of floating candles. We walked further and was soon stood at the front of the great hall with a stool and an old hat sat on top of it in front of us. He started to sing a type of song but I didn't listen, I was to distracted on the ceiling. Then Proffesor McGonagall can up to the front and said

" When I call your name, you are to come up to the front and sit on this stool while I put the hat on you. You will then be sorted into your house and will go and sit with the rest of your house on your table".

I was holding onto Siri and Remus when they turned to me and Siri told me everything will be OK, because I must have been squeezing thier arms a bit. To be honest, I'll admit I was a bit nervous. Then Proffesor McGonagall called the first name:

"Rose Adams"


"Bethany Alison"


"Timothy Barns"


Then it was my turn.

"Novaria Black"

The ends of my hair turned green becuase i was nervous. My brother gave my hand a squeeze and said to me in my mind 'Its going to be OK Nyxi, don't worry. Good luck!'

As I sat down on the stool the hat said 'hmm a Black. Where to put you? I see you are extremely talented and smart, but not Ravenclaw, no. You are very loyal but to cheeky for Hufflepuff. You are quite cunning, Slytherin would be very beneficial, but I see that you are extremely brave. Slytherin like the rest of your family, or Gryffindoor?'

Please not Slytherin, I hate my family I do not want to be like them. I thought.

'Not Slytherin ayy? It would do you good. I guess it will have to be...'


I instantly relaxed and was grinning like the cheshire cat when I ran over to my new house, as my robes changed to Scarlett.

"Sirius Black"

I heard the hat say the exact thing to me as it did to Siri. He did look quite nervous. When it finished, the hat shouted:


Siri looked ecstatic as he came and sat down next to me.

Next it was one other girls who ended up in Hufflepuff and a Gryffindoor who is called Lily Evans, then there was Remus.

It broke my heart to see him so nervous. I thought 'Aw he is so cute when he is nervous. I feel so bad for him its quite nerve racking.' I heard Siri laugh from next to me. 'Did I think that out loud?' I asked. 'Yep' he replied. 'Crap'. He started to laugh again.

Then suddenly the hat shouted:


The next thing I know is that a very happy Remus is sitting across from us and we all start talking to a girl with very red hair called Lily Evans.

<Remus P.O.V.>

As Nyxi's name got called, I saw she was terrified and my heart broke. I hated seeing her like this, even if we did only meet a few hours ago. Two minites went past when the hat suddenly shouted:


I instantly relaxed and smile when I saw her so happy as she ran to her new house table. A few people went next including Sirius who got put in Gryffindoor aswell, some people got called Jessica Courts, Alexandra Johnson, some other people,and Lily Evans then my name was called. I hope I got into Gryffindoor like Nyxi did.

As it sat on my head it said: 'Ah Mr Lupin, I see we have a lot of intelligent but to brave for Ravenclaw, definatley not Slytherin.... I know..'

"GRYFFINDOOR!" the hat shouted. I'm so happy! I get to spend a lot of time with Nyx and Sirius now! All we are waiting for now is James.

<Nova's P.O.V.>

A few people later, we hear:

"James Potter"


I am so happy now, all of us are all together in Gryffindoor and are staying here for seven years! I can't wait!

I can tell this is going to be very fun.

I hope you all like this chapter! Please tell me if you like it and if I should continue. Sorry about some spelling mistakes.


Sirius and Novaria Black twins~Marauder eraWhere stories live. Discover now