Chapter 3) Truth or Dare

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<Nova's P.O.V.>

Today is the 2nd of September, a Saturday so no classes today.

I woke up to a Lily reading on her bed. It was nice because it was just her and I in a dorm. "Good morning" she said.

"Mornin'" I replied.

I took a shower then got dressed and did my hair in loose curls. (Outfit up top).

After that we went to the common room, to find the boys sitting on the sofas. Siri and James were playing exploding snap and Remus was reading. 'He looks so cute when he reads.'

'Ha ha really Nyxi?' Siri said to me in my mind. I replied 'I didn't mean to say that shut up.' He just laughed.

"Hey boys!" I said, sitting down next to Remus.

"What u wanna do today?" James asked.

"Wanna sit by the black lake?" I suggested. The all just nodded and murmerd a 'sure'.

Before we headed down to the lake we had a quick breakfast in the great hall.

I then jumped onto Remus's back and shouted "ONWARD MY GREATFUL STEED! TONIGHT WE RIDE TO BATTLE!!!" Making Remus start running to the lake with her on his back, laughing.

We were all sitting by the lake, under the shade of a tree. "What you guys wanna talk about?" James asked. Siri and I gave eachother a look then no the said in unison, "how about we play truth or dare?" "Sure why not" Remus said.

"I'll go first. Umm... Siri truth or dare?" I asked.


"I dare you to..... Jump onto James's back and shout 'COME ON JAMESIIIEEE LETS RIDE OFF INTO THE SUNSET TOGETHER!'" I told him. And he did.

"Remus truth or dare?" James asked.

"Truth" he replied.

"Bboooorrriinnggg! But OK. Umm..... 2 parter, do you have a crush and what is their initial of their last name?" He asked Remus, smirking.

"U-uh, um, I d-do have a c-crush, and i-it is B" he said sheepishly.

"Ooooo Remmy has a crush" I sung, only because I hurt knowing it would never be me. Oh well.

"James truth or dare?" Remus asked.


"Umm, I dare you to jump into the black lake in only ur underware."

"Ugh fine" James replied. When he was running out of the lake in only his underwear, drenched, Siri and I gave eachother the look then in unison wolf whistled.

"Like what u see Nyxi?" James asked smirking. My hair turned hot pink for a split second then back to black, but with bright blue ends, for a nbite of a quirk.

"Uh, no, I do not, now get ur clothes on before I throw up." I stated. He did as he was told.

"So Nyxi, truth or dare?" Asked James.

"Dare" I said, smirking.

"Hmmm, I dare you to take Sirius's sock off with only your teeth" James said, smirking like the bloody idiot he is.

"Ur dead Potter" I growled, giving him the best death glare that I could muster. My hair going red for this. 'Sorry Siri' I said in my head. 'I feel so bad for you, its alright though' then he just continued to laugh in our heads. After I did it, I spat it in James face. Serves him right.

Sirius and Novaria Black twins~Marauder eraWhere stories live. Discover now