My Torn Up Converse (1)

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You can choose anyone to play Mekhi, just make sure that they have black hair and blue eyes because that is what he looks like. 

I don't know who this person is but they fit Mekhi's description very well to me I think.


I carefully held the smooth rock in my hand as I skimmed the soothing lake displayed in front of me. I felt the sudden tingling in my legs, as they hung off the deck, almost touching the tip of the water.

I finally grasped the rock as I stretched my arm out before skipping it along the lake. As I watched it skip five times I got up from my favorite spot in the whole world. I always came down here to relax, to get away from anything. It was either here or the shed in the woods.

I usually decided on the deck just because it's more open and relaxed. I wasn't opened or relaxed. It may seem like I am, but I'm not. Anger erupts from me like a raging volcano, destroying everything in its path.

As I walked along the gravel road, I noticed my beaten up converse were on its last walk. I'll have to remind my mother to get me a nice new pair. Before reaching home, I stopped at the old hollow tree, staring at what was displayed across my face.

The initals M.D. and H.L.

That was another story for another time.

Finally I reached the porch of my house, the last house on the block.

My block only consist of four houses, on the same side of the road. A block away you'll enter another neighbourhood. The house next to mine was empty. Partly because it was on sale for a high price, but mainly because my house was right next to it. The other two houses down were filled, but I didn't interact with them. Heck, I didn't interact with anyone.

As I walked in, I smelled the faint smell of scrambled eggs. My mother hardly cooked breakfast so this was a surprise for me.

I stopped at the rug beside the door as I took off my torn converse. I looked up to find my mother walking towards me.

She grabbed my hand, making it flat with hers before she placed two blue pills in my hand.

"Here you go my dear." She looked up at me and smiled. I returned her with one myself.

She looked away and set her gaze on the beaten converse, laying across the rug.

She picked them up, "My my, Mekhi how many times have I told you to treat your shoes right?"

I looked at my shoes with no expression on my face, "I'm sorry mother. I think its time for new shoes, shoes that will last for a life time."

"Well, if you didn't spend your time running in the woods doing lord knows what, then maybe these would've lasted a lifetime." She replied, shaking the shoes in front of my face.

I cringed as I got the smell of old socks shoved up my nostrils.

I took off my leather jacket, hanging it up. I walked over to the kitchen, making my way to the island displayed in the middle of the room. I took a stool as I sat down I asked, "Since when did you start making breakfast?"

"Since I got tired of eating cereal all morning." She repsonded, keeping her back towards me.

She grabbed a plate from a cabinet placing a fried egg on the glass.

"Don't forget sal-" She reached in the cabinet and grabbed the salt and pepper.

A smirk was placed on her face, "I think I'm smart enough to know that my son wants salt and pepper on his eggs."

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