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Iris's POV


My hair. My stupid curly frizzy red hair! Ughhh! I hate it so much, I cannot believe I had to grow up with this hair. I mean don't get me wrong, it's beautiful at times. Not today though. Today it did not want to cooperate at all. 

I finally managed to put it in a pony tail, with strands at the side of my face so it could frame it. I mean yes I hate it, but I also love it. 

You see, I got my hair from my mother. Well actually, I got everything from my mother. Including the red curly hair, and the freckles to go with it. But the only thing I truly loved that I got from my mother is her green eyes. They were like emeralds, and when I grew up. I got them too. 

People always complimented me and said my green eyes went fantastic with my hair and freckles. Though I just wish I only had my green eyes. 

But nope, I had to have the hair and freckles. And now, I'm sitting at lunch trying to contain my stupid hair. 

After failed attempts, I finally got it to settle down and turned to look at the two brunettes sitting across from me. It was my first day here, and I already made friends. 

They were sisters, you could tell. They both had the tan skin and brunette hair. The only difference was one had blue eyes, while the other had brown. Oh yeah, and the other difference was of course their names. 

The blue eyed girl was named Mary, and the brown eyed girl was named Lily. And by the looks of it, they were inseperable. I just only hope that our friendship will be like that. 

Lily took a sip of her juice and eyed me, "How was your classes?"

They were alright to be honest, but I somewhat could feel people's gazes on me. So I just shrugged, "Fine."

Mary leaned in closer, "Wow your eyes are really green." I was expecting this. 

"Thanks." I looked down at my half eaten sandwhich. I didn't want it anymore. All I could think about was what happened yesterday. Who knew that when I moved here, I would run into two very hot guys the day I moved in. It was so weird too, all I did  was find the abandoned shed, and those two showed up. 

The only thing that threw me off was Mekhi's attitude. Man I thought I had one, but this boy's was on a whole other level. Keto was pretty cool though. It soon got awkward though and I eventually went home. I just hope I meet both of them again, for my sake. 

"... he didn't even give us a chance to do the paper." Lily exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. She was ranting about our science teacher, and how he gave us limited time on a worksheet, before making us turn it in.

Mary rolled her eyes, "Calm down idiot. You got most of it done." I could tell how the way they both talked to each other, that they both argued frequently. 

Before Lily could respond, her gaze settled somewhere else. As did Mary's. 

"What?" I asked, before I turned my head to the direction of their gaze. My eyes met a familiar figure. It was him. It was Mekhi. Keto was also beside them. And let me just say they pulled off their outfits well. 

"Oh my god! The rumors are actually true!" Lily gasped. 

"Damn, who dropped puberty on him?" Mary questioned. 

I started to see drool forming from both of their mouths. I felt my mouth, making sure I wasn't drooling myself. I can't believe he's here. Mekhi was here, only a feets away. I wanted to get up and talk to him. But I stood planted in my seat. 

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