Chapter Five

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When I woke it was still dark, the light of the sun not meeting the earth yet. I was facing away from Francis, my back towards him. I wanted to turn to face him, but one thing prevented me from doing so; Pudding was curled up against me. I didn't want to disturb the cat, he was cute and deserved his peace, but I desperately wanted to roll over. I yawned and reached my hand out to pet him and he instantly started to purr. He looked at me and let out a high pitched meow. I gave a small smile and continued to pet him. I felt Francis shift beside me and wrap an arm around my torso, pulling me a little closer to him. I moved my hand down to his, holding it while he slept. I moved my thumb in circular motions like he always did, and it almost soothed me back to sleep until he pulled it away, shifted again beside me. I sighed and rolled over, no longer caring about the cat's comfort. Francis had rolled over so his back was now facing me, I prest my forehead against his back; closing my eyes and taking in his scent.

"Are you awake...?" I heard him ask.

"Yes," I replied. He rolled over to face me and we both smiled at each other.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Yes, how about you love?" I asked.

"I slept well, and I see Pudding has warmed up to you," he laughed.

"Yeah, he's so sweet," I said with a grin.

Francis stretched his arms above his head, revealing his muscular build around his shoulders, he half-answered between his yawns, "mmhm.."

"It's pretty early, isn't it? Did I wake you?" I asked, knowing he was pretty tired.

"Yeah, but that's okay," he murmured, rubbing his eyes. Once he was done I grabbed his hand and moved my thumb in a circler motion like what I was doing before.

"Why are you doing that?" He asked.

"You do it to me and I like it, do you want me to stop?" I stopped just in case, waiting for an answer.

"No," he smiled softly.


Since I had no clean clothes Francis had given me some of his; a blue hoodie and some black pants. They were rather big on my skinny frame, but they were comfortable and smelled just like him.

After our morning business, we had found ourselves kissing, and it had turned into making out on the couch. After every kiss, a 'click' sound was made and we both went back in for another. Soon, Francis moved down to my neck, kissing it multiple times before biting it softly. I let out a strangled moan before clasping my hand over my mouth.

"I-I didn't know I could make that noise..." I admitted, my cheeks turning a bright pink.

"That moan is the cutest thing I've ever heard," he whispered, "Do you want me to continue?"

"Not if you're going to nip at my neck like that," I said.

"Alright, what about if I suck?" He asked.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Do you want me to show you?" he asked me, I nodded. He pressed his lips to my neck, kissing it before he began to suck. I bit my lip to stop myself from making a sound, but a small groan made it's way out. Francis pulled away from my neck and rubbed the spot he had been sucking.

"You seem to be enjoying this," He commented.

"A little too much," I admitted with a whisper.

"Do you want to go farther or...?" I shook my head as soon as he suggested that.

"No," I said.

"That's understandable," he replied, a smile plastered on his face. I leaned forward and pecked his lips.

"What time is it love?" I asked. Francis took out his phone and gazed over the time.

"About seven," he answered, "why?"

I sighed, "I'll need to go home sometime today, it's not like I can stay here forever."

"You could," I heard him whisper, I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you-" I was cut off by him.

"nothing," he said before trying to change the subject, "I'm going to repeat a question that I asked last night. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?" I paused for a moment to think, before settling on an answer.

"My answer from last night stays the same, anywhere."

"Anywhere? It really doesn't matter?" He asked.

"As long as it's away from here and somewhat nice, I would go." He nodded in response.

"One place you would like to go overall?"

"I don't understand why you keep asking," I paused and thought for a moment, "Norway seems nice, maybe I would go there if I could." He smiled at my answer, seeming content with it.

"Norway does seem nice," he said. He leaned his head on my shoulder, and we didn't speak, we just sat there and watched Pudding play with his toys that littered the floor. It was tranquil and calm, I enjoyed the peace we felt together, but a void of fear filled me at the thought of having to go home. I grabbed his hand and interwound our fingers and as usual, he rubbed my hand in a circular motion with his thumb.

"I love you," he whispered.

"Why?" I asked.

"What's not to love about you? You've got such a calm demeanour and you're creative, especially with writing," he said, and with the last part, his tone changed to something I didn't completely understand.

"All you do is compliment me and show me compassion, I don't deserve it, I've done nothing to deserve you-" I was cut off with a kiss from Francis, I was surprised but content with it until he pulled away.

"Don't say bad things about yourself," he said.

"But there is nothing good to say," I replied.

"Yes there is, not all artwork is considered a masterpiece but that doesn't mean it's not beautiful," he told me before kissing my forehead. I felt a smile appear on my face, I loved him so much.

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