Chapter Fourteen

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~Day One~

We got nice and cosy in our seats, both of us fully aware of the long journey ahead. it was a fifteen-hour flight that we had to endure, and neither of us was truly ready for it. I told myself that maybe with all this time I could possibly get some writing done; I hadn't done that in a while.

As the flight began to take off, I pulled out my phone and began to write a short drabble in my notes.

"Lilianne, a woman of wealth and perfection, fell to the wound she had sustained from a snake. Cameron, an average woman of nobodies held her dying body.

"We can fix this, the village has medicine-"

"Cameron, listen to me... It's too late for me, and with my last few breathes..." She paused for a moment, the venom sinking in. "This is my time, I must go and be consumed by the earth. Maybe this was meant to happen all along, ha, who knows. I must tell you for the final time that I love you, and I truly wish I had made you my bride, but it seems we won't get to live that life together, but... Live, live for yourself, forget me if you must, but never forget what we were..." Vine's wrapped around her body, flowers of depression and dread growing from her skin; the earth was taking her. Cameron's cries could be heard from the depths of the underworld, and the gods must have felt pity for her. Lilanne had been her everything and Cameron was must have been everything to Lilanne as well. protecting her lover had brought Lilanne to death. Even the snake that brought her fate mourned her passing.

With the last sentence finished Francis looked over my shoulder, startling me a little.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Writing a little story."

"Good, your writing is good. Can I read it?"

"I don't know, can you?" Francis kicked my foot and I handed my phone over to him. His eyes burned the screen he stared at, giving me a rush of anxiety. He handed my phone back to me.

"That was... Depressing," he stated.

"Thanks, Depression is my speciality," I smiled. We shared a laugh and Francis kissed me on the cheek, undoubtedly earning us a couple of looks.

Only a couple more hours into the flight we both fell asleep, and I really wish we had slept through the entire flight, but by the time we both woke up, we still had several more hours to go.   

When we finally landed in Tokyo, Japan, we skipped dinner and went straight to our hotel to check in, and fell asleep still in our clothes.

~Day Two~

When we woke up it was already noon, both of us were so tired that we just couldn't function properly. It was a day of laziness, I mean who could blame us? We were both exhausted. We had dinner that night at a little sushi restaurant. It was my first time eating sushi, and I can't believe I went without it my entire life up until that point.

~Day Three~

This was a day full of exploration and sightseeing. We went to a temple and a museum. My favourite part, however, was the statue of Hachiko. 

"Have you ever heard the story of Hachiko?" I asked Francis as we gazed at the statue.

"Yes, he was the dog who waited a long time for his owner wasn't he?" I nodded.

"He waited nine years and nine months for his deceased owner, he was such a good boy." 

After that, we went for dinner at a small restaurant. We watched a movie before bed and fell asleep in each other's arms.

~Day Four~

Francis and I decided that, since we weren't far from one, we were going to a cat cafe. With both of us being cat lovers we were so excited. Once we were in, I ordered some tea while Francis had a latte, and we went to sit down. Right off the bat, an orange cat jumped into my lap to demand attention. He was very friendly and eventually went to cuddle with Francis. Another cat, who was white, walked around our table and meowed.

"That cat has a lot to say," Francis mentioned.

"Shh, he's telling us a story," We laughed.

"Do you want breakfast?" They have some pastries for sale," Francis asked, the white cat still meowing. 

"Yes, thank you." 

When Francis got up another loud cat came over to me, he was also white and looked a lot like the first loud boy. They created a duet of meowing.

We must have spent the entire day there because all I remember was drinking some tea and petting as many cats as I could. There were three notable ones that I loved so much, two orange and white cats and a tuxedo cat that hung around our table, the tuxedo cat seemed very interested in our food as well. I wish so very much that we could have adopted one, but maybe Francis and I can adopt many cats together someday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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