⚫Story Time With Angel #1⚫

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Its story time with Angel

Come here and sit since this is going to be boring as hell

so there was this one time I was just showering..

then I heared something banging on the front door.

I ignored it and just showered and sang like a whale until the noise became louder.

So I was scared to dear life so I quickly ran out of the shower and wore random clothes on.

I took a random thing to fight with and I never knew it was a bread piece... anyways

I opened the door and I threw the bread piece and shouted "BITCH GET AWAY FROM ME CREEP"

so when I opened my eyes I saw the pizza guy.. he was staring at me weirdly so i just awkwardly gave him the money, took the pizza and slammed the door.

Kill me for my Stupidity :D

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